The Bible speaks of the sorcerer, sorcerers, sorceress, sorceries and sorcery: Acts 13:6,8; 8:9,11; Revelations 9:21; 21:8; 22:15; Exodus 7:11; Jeremiah 27:9; Isaiah 57:3; 47:9,12; Daniel 2:2; Malachi 3:5; Deuteronomy 18:10.
You should look up the meanings of these words in both the Hebrew and Greek. There are 5 Greek words and 4 Hebrew words. Deuteronomy 18:9 calls the passing through the fire, witchcraft, soothsayers, one who interprets omens, a sorcerer, one who conjures spells, a medium, a spiritiest, or one who calls up the dead, an abomination/abominations (see v.10,11). Verse 14 also mentions diviners. These abominations make up what we call the “occult.”
The common Hebrew word for “sorcerer” is “kashaph” (a prim. root) meaning “to whisper a spell, i.e. to enchant or practice magic (two other Hebrew words off the first are “kesheph” and “kashshaph,” all meaning to use magic).
The Greek has 8 words: “mageia,” “mageuo,” “magos,” “pharmakeia,” “pharmakeus,” and “pharmakos.” These last 3 deal with “medication” (pharmacy), “spell-giving potion,” “witchcraft” and a “druggist.” (See my articles on “drugs”). What is one of the biggest companies today? Yep! Drugs, illegal and legal (Big Pharma), a $$ making business using sorcery!
Revelations 18:23 tells us “… your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.” John was writing about Babylon “… a dwelling place of DEMONS, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird” (18:2). Read the entire chapter (which speaks of religious and political Babylon). John uses the Greek word “pharmakeia,” medication, i.e. magic, witchcraft (v.23).
Sorcery is often mentioned with idolatry, fornication, and murder. Tell me, are those in political/religious positions not working witchcraft/stagecraft? Political and religious arts, state and church tricks, counterfeit, deceptive maneuvers of every kind is used to deceive and control masses. Has not church and state fornicated with those demons? Do not these liars/frauds/idolaters/drug-users live “high off the hog?” They become extremely wealthy and live deliciously while most live average/below average. Church and state are full of demons in human bodies working witchcraft, spewing out demonic superstitions. Their silver-tongued speeches are nothing short of sorcery – word-salads that stupifie the hearers.
While the vulgar endeavor to obtain wealth and power in this life (which is nothing but darkness and futuricity), by consulting with familiar spirits et al they suppose to have a ROYAL ROAD of their own, commanding a high and holy view for a loftier quarter of the same terrain cognita. With mystical assistance and guidance (by demons!), they walk boldly and proudly in human/demon vanity. They see themselves as “special messengers,” “special spiritual guides” where stars and planets favor them. They see themselves as gods and goddesses, gifts to humanity that is LOST, live in DARKNESS.
Sadly, many of this age believe in these New Agers. They are dazzled by such “divine ones.” frankly, some of us are disgusted by them. There are mega church darlings and political darlings that believe they are immortal, higher than Jesus and the Father. Earthly and temporal aggrandizement has made them what they are. These idols have become rich and famous and powered by those who praise and support them. Riches is their goal; riches makes one powerful.
Q. Was Jesus rich? Did He seek power?
Paul, in his epistle to Timothy tells him “Command those who are RICH in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). Riches are not evil but when we lust for, and covet riches, we do not please the Lord.
We’ve been to many African countries where it is well know fact that people go to witch doctors, sorcerers to receive power for sex, money etc.
We know of a few “Big” name men/women from the U.S. that have sought out these workers of witchcraft, payed lots of $$ for prayers to be rich, powerful, and famous. We have been told by such occultists that some “Big” name gospel minsters have done this, we know of a very well known celebrity (black female who is famous here in the U.S.) who payed a witch doctor to give her power etc. She in turn transferred this “curse” to one of America’s top mega church pastors (God gave a prophetic word to this minister some years ago (by my wife), warning him. But he did not take heed. Sooner or later this person will be exposed for his hidden sins!!
While we’re discussing sorcery, which involves drugs – for evil means or for good – medicine is Big business. I’m not against all medicine but there are some that certainly are harmful. We live in an age when taking drugs/medicines is so common we forget that prayer can heal, and expel demons. And there are groups of chemicals and drugs that spell relief – “relievers” such as tranquilizers, uppers, downers etc.
Tranquilizers such a libritabs, innovor, ativan, serax, inapsine, haldol, vesprin, trilafor, menrium, a-poxide, triavil, tindol, miltown, miltrate, librium, lavium, thorzine, stelazine, pathibamate, lidone, lithium, atarax, bistaril, serentil, quide, porlixin, eskalith, lithane, permitil, mellaril, litonate, deprol, equanil, compazine, etrafon, meprosspan, milpath, milprem, et al. (New drugs/chemicals are being made year-after-year!);
Antidepressants: Vivactil, triavil, adapin, aventyl HCI, janimne, marplan, togramil, sinequan, depral, imavate, etrafon, endep, elavil, presamine, nardil, nospramin, pertofrane, pamelor, parante, et al.;
Sedatives & Hypnotics: dalmane, sopor, anytal belap, quaalude, phenergan, repon, seconal, plexonal, bentyl, cantil, bustisol, buticops, parert, naludar, aquahloral, carbrtial, noctec, levoprome, tranxene, alurate, valmid, triclos, doriden, equanil, matropinal, nembutal, dalmane, beta-chlor, carbrital, dialog, donphen, quuachloral, solfoton, sedapap, pamine, emesert, eskabarb, nembutal, mebaral, matropinal, levsin/phenobarbital, noctec, noludar, quallude, placidyl;
Then we’ve got Valiums, very popular (FDA approved this drug in 1963. many straight ladies and gentlemen got addicted to this prescription drug). I could go into the list of hallucinations (marijuana, peyote, LSD, DMT, STP, cocaine, bennies, dexies, meth are common). Depressants such as nembutal, seconal, luminal, amytal, eqanial, doziden, librium, opium, morphine, heroine etc. are used around the clock. Crack came on the scene as a popular drug as well as other deadly drugs like fentanyl, which flows across our southern border (the Biden)/Harris admin. allowing it, which we all know they are doing this on purpose. The Border police knows this as well).
There is no doubt in my mind that drugs make it easier for demons to enter the users. Scientists and researchers work around the clock to create new drugs; the medical professionals endorse these, sometimes without fully testing them for reactions.
While there are natural aches and pains, sicknesses and diseases, we cannot overlook the fact that demons manipulate the body to cause the same… and worse. (See my articles on demons/healing).
“Relievers” drugs only mask the symptoms but do not cure them. This is why Jesus “cast out” demons that are the sickness/disease/affliction. Some “pain relievers” are so powerful they veil the mind/set up barriers between the Holy Spirit (if you are a Christian) and the person’s will to seek healing/relief.
Have you ever looked at a cyclopedic medical dictionary? (On drugs as well?) the dictionary on drugs grows larger yearly.
Mind altering drugs (sorcery) needs to avoided by believers. While in prison I was a caretaker. I had to take certain inmates to get their meds. The effects sometimes was nothing short of demonic-mind boggling. Some became WORSE after taking their “prescribed” dose. Depended on which drug they took as how the reaction was – by per-active or incoherency/depression.
As far as depression goes, prison life is just that: DEPRESSING! No amount of drugs can cure one of this demonic curse! I stayed away from such “help” by writing articles, reading my Bible and praying. God got me thru my 5 years and 9 months sentence without going crazy (as I saw many go to the suicide cell!). And, yes, I witnessed a few trying to kill themselves, one hanged, one swallowed razor blades.
There remains hope in a hopeless generation. Isaiah 53:5 tell us that Jesus (before He came to earth) “Was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities… by His strips we ARE healed.”
Peter echos Isaiah 53:5 (see 1 Peter 2:24,25). Let us seek God for our healing or deliverance, our well-being. His healing – mental, emotional, physical – is available.
I speak unto you this day and I say that I am your high tower of strength and safety and you can run into Me and be kept in these times of instability and insanity. You are not meant to lose courage but rather to see that I will refresh you and give you New Courage as you look to Me as the One you are meant to serve, to please, and obey.
My mercies are new every morning and My Spirit is waiting for you to come in and be fed. Know that I do supply to you every day exactly what you need and I will not hesitate to provide repeatedly the substance of strength that it is My joy to give to you. Therefore know of a surety that there is no good thing that I will withhold from those who will walk uprightly in Me.
Sad to say, in these times of gross wickedness over the nation, the majority are shunning righteousness and choosing to be engulfed in the wickedness that is present to invite, entice, and enchant any who will fall for the traps. The wicked are always striving to bring others into the same death traps that they are in because they want others to be destroyed and devoured likewise. I do not want you to be devoured and destroyed, I want you to be uplifted and brought forth ever encouraged and encouraging others to trust Me.
Stop and consider that I do not want My people to lose courage, I want them to be gaining new courage each day as I feed them with the Bread of Heaven. When My people are looking to Me they will be guided as well as directed and corrected by My Spirit. If they are running into Me, they will not be battered and beaten down by the demonic oppressors that are wanting to crush the righteous. I do not want My people to be discouraged, downtrodden, distressed and depressed because of the raging of demonic oppressors. Rather I want My people to understand that they can run into Me and be kept for I am the high tower of strength and safety.
Do not think that I want you so “informed” by listening to the world’s news that you become deformed by the same. That is, you are no longer in balance and harmony because you are far from the Way that I intend for you to walk in. Consider that whenever anyone feeds off of the world’s table they will be partaking of the poison of the same. The world at this time is in the hands of cruel, oppressive, power lusting, insane idiots who are driven by demons of insatiable lust for more and more. These demented men and women are oppressing the poor and devouring anything and anyone they can in order to achieve their goals.
Because of the continuing darkness that people are in, they are stumbling and falling constantly because they cannot find sure footing. I do not find pleasure in seeing people in such conditions for I did not call them to live in such a way. I have intended for people to come into the Light, the Life, and the Love that I have intended for them. It is My desire for people to be uplifted and able to rejoice that it is Me that they serve and it is Me who will protect and provide for them. However when My people are feeding off of the world’s table they are being slowly poisoned and are taking in all manner of evil spirits and their faith is devoured by the same. I do not want you to be without faith and confidence in Me and groping in darkness. Nor do I want you to be in the clutches of the workers of wickedness who are ever abounding in these times.
There are multitudes of those who are practicing the black arts of evil and are attempting to control others and take them under the coverings of witchcraft, sorcery, and magic. While the devil and his demons are offering “great mysteries” know that their lies are only sent to draw in those who will listen to their delusions and be captivated by the same. Those who are not found under My covering are open prey for every evil force that wants to devour and destroy their lives. Remember the devil’s agenda remains, “kill, steal, and destroy” and he and his demon forces are ever doing just that. Be aware that I have never intended for you to be consumed by such forces, I have intended for you to keep your focus on Me.
Do not be as those who are willfully stubborn and resistant towards Me and will lose their souls in their rebellious revolution against Me. While such fools are wise in their own eyes, they have been blinded by the devil and they are led about by demon forces who direct their motivations, reactions, and literal actions. There are multitudes who have committed gross and hideous crimes while under the influences and directives of demons. They do not realize that they literally were captives and their minds and actions were controlled by masters of wickedness.
The nation that you are in is greatly infected with drugs and vast multitudes are swept up by the sorcery that entices them to use more and more of the substances that alter their minds, bodies, and souls. As people are captivated and deluded, they are led into the abyss of addiction and then become driven by those forces both day and night. No longer are they able to think and act as though they had any sense for they are lost in the world of delusion and live under confusion, being driven day after day by demons. If this wickedness is not stopped, the agenda of nation wide massacre will go into effect. It is intended that the vast armies of hopeless, helpless, drug crazed homeless will be slaughtered by the power possessed elite who see them as vermin in need of destruction. Run into Me and be kept.
(Given By Gen. Deborah)