By: Gen. Jim – 7/20/24
“What if everything you know about the creation of Eve was based on a mistranslation?” This was asked by the host of Inspiring Histories on YouTube: “How Adam’s ‘RIB’ is mistranslated, Hebrew Text Reveals It!”
While looking into the comments on this video, there were dozens of comments, the first says, “Genesis 2:21,22 is not a misinterpretation. The word (see Heb. word in Heb. #6763 in Strong’s), spelled “tsêlâ’,” (tsay-law) “tsal’âh” (tsal-aw’) from “tsâla” (tsaw-lah’), a prim root = “to curve” (as if one-sided)
The Heb. word “tsêlâ'” means “rib” as in Genesis 2:21,22. Strong’s Concordance (Heb. #6760/6763) has “a rib (as curved). lit. (of the body) or fig. (of a door, i.e. leaf); hence a side, lit. (of a person) or timber or plank, beam, chamber, side (chamber)”
The video goes on with “we’ve been told that Eve was made from one of Adam’s ribs, but if this isn’t the full story? Imagine a time when every detail of a story held the power to shape entire cultures & belief systems? Because of this misunderstanding, do we view gender & relationships differently?”
The traditional narrative (found in the Bible) tells us that God created Adam first & then made Eve from one of Adam’s ribs. Gen. 2:21,21 has been interpreted as a divine justification for gender roles, often placing women in a secondary position (as I have pointed out in my “Women in the Ministry” series). This had “women are somehow derived from men, reinforcing a hierarchy that has persisted thru the ages,” as the video states “But what if I told you that the word ‘rib’ is a mistranslation?”, the video continues: “What if the original Hebrew text reveals a completely different story, one that challenges the foundations of these patriarchal interpretations?”
The video continues with telling us that we’ve been deceived by the Heb. word צֵלָע/ “tsela,” which appears over 40 times in the O.T., it is never translated as “rib” elsewhere (as the speaker/ teacher tells us).
Another comment says, “contrary to how this narrative sounds, this is not a scholarly work… The author (speaker) is not only proposing a mistranslation in modern English, but possible in every or most languages in possible most periods in history. To say that the Biblical text does not demonstrate & even define differences between male & female is deceptive…” The speaker insists that the Heb. word means “chamber,” or “part of a building,” which Strong’s does testify to.
The video speaker cites several text examples to prove his point: Ex. 25:12 uses the word “side” (SC #6763 = same as “rib”). He points out, here, that “tsêlâ'” is translated “side,” not “rib.”
Similarly, in 1 Kgs. 6:5 we find the word “side” (“chambers” mentioned, using the same Heb. word “tsêlâ’.”
So, our speaker/teacher concludes that “rib” & “side” do not convey the same meaning, although the original Heb. word is the same. What is he trying to convey here? Another comment says, “The human rib is one of the few things that can regrow if removed. Second, it is a simplistic explanation for the cloning process where one half of the DNA is taken, duplicated & used to form the cloned… In this case the female has a duplicate ‘X’ from the male’s ‘X & Y’…” Well said.
“The Aramaic word for rib bone, ‘Ala’ is used in other Biblical texts, such as in the book of Daniel”, our author/speaker goes on to say. Dan. 7:5 has the words “side” & “ribs.” The use of the term “Ala” for “rib” in Dan. highlights the deliberate choice of the Heb. word “tsela.” “If the intention had been to indicate a rib, the more precise term ‘Ala’ would likely have been used,” states the speaker. He says that this distinction is crucial because it suggests that the creation of Eve involved a more integral part of Adam, reinforcing the idea of her being an equal & integral part of humanity.”
One commenter says, “The man became superior to the woman, not because of the man’s rib or side she was taken, but because of what God spoke to her in Gen. 1:16.” Another wrote: “Could Eve have been a part of Adam from the beginning? He created them male & female, both created together. Eve was later separated from Adam.” Here is what one asked the speaker: “Does side mean entire body from head-to-toe, left or right side of the body? Has God severed one side of Adam to create Eve? Has God filled the severed side of Adam with bone & flesh? Rib does not mean a single rib from the chest of Adam. It could be the sternum which has the potential…”
Speaker continues: “What if, ‘tsela’ was intended to mean ‘side’ rather than ‘rib.’? Instead of envisioning God taking a single rib from Adam, picture Him taking a part of Adam’s side, a more substantial portion.” “This suggests,” the speaker continues, “that Eve was created as an equal counterpart, not a derivative or secondary being. This reinterpretation shifts the focus from a minor, seemingly insignificant bone to a significant part of Adam’s being.”
One raises the question: “Perhaps ‘side’ refers to a side or half of his anatomy. He was male & female. The female anatomy was removed and given life so he would not be lonely.”
I’ve heard others say that God is both male & female (image, Gen. 1:26, likeness). Still others say God is male only. The question arises, if God is male only, who did Eve resemble as female? The Bible does declare that God is Spirit. Is Spirit male & female? Still, others have declared that God is female. I’m getting lost here! (one can read Brown-Driver-Briggs also).
I think what the speaker is trying to convey is that man/woman are equal: man is not superior (as I have shown in my articles).
There is no denying it, men have used the Genesis male/female story as a club to beat & keep women in a “lesser” position for centuries.
I may not agree with this video presentation, but I do agree that woman have not been on EQUAL footing with men. On the other hand, I totally disagree that women are to “rule” over the men/males. The Spirits of Jezebel & Ahab raise HELL.
Some may accuse us as promoters of women. I honor both male & female – in their proper place in society. By & through Jesus Christ, the curse of superiority & inferiority was broken. Enjoy your freedom, men. Enjoy your freedom, women.
Now we have idiots/wokeites telling us that men can get pregnant & have babies. Puke! They’re telling us that women can become men! Puke!