By: Gen. Jim – 12/7/24

Let us take up the Beelzebub Controversy in the gospel of Luke:
“And He was CASTING OUT A DEVIL, … when the devil was gone… the people wondered,” -Lk. 11:14. Here we find the occasion of the calumny, i.e. the slander by some of the people who were watching Jesus cast out a mute demon: an exorcism. Verse 15 the controversy began: “But some of them said, ‘He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.” You would think that the onlookers would be pleased that a dumb person could speak after Jesus cast out the demon (exorcism is found in Mat. 9:32-34; 12:22-30).
Mark also contains the charge that Jesus’ power over demons was due to collusion with the chief ruler of demons, Beelzebub (Mk. 3:22-30). Matthew makes Mark’s story basic to his account, amplifying it with Q (as Gk. scholars tell us) materials. Luke omits the Marcan narrative at the point at which he would normally have included it (after 6:16), & now makes a place for the Q version. [note: the “Q” source = written collections of Jesus’ sayings may have preceded any formal written Gospel. Some scholars of the literally phenomena involved still prefer to speak of “Q” as a stratum rather than as a document, “Q” was a Gk. rather than an Aramaic document. Eusebius Church History III.39.3 tells us that for many decades oral & written tradition vied with each other for authority within the Church. In the middle of the 2nd cent. Bishop Papias of Hierapolis declared: “I was never accustomed to consider material from books of as much benefit to me as from a living & abiding voice.” One can find plenty of additional info. on “Q” it researched.].
Back to our controversy: The charge that a man was in league with the devil was an exceedingly dangerous one. In Mark it was made by scribes & in Mt. by the Pharisees. Luke’s indefinite “some of them” probably represents the reading the “Q”.
Beelzebub. Who?
The “prince of demons,” as the Heb. – Gk. NIV Study Bible says. The KJV simply says “chief of the devils.” The NKJV has “the ruler of the demons” (Lk. 11:15), as does the Amp. Bible etc. Beelzebub was a deity worshipped in the Philistine city of Ekron: Baalzebul, “lord of the high places” or Baalzebub, “lord of the flies.”
The “prince,” “ruler,” “chief,” it makes no difference, what “B” represented was Satan, the devil! You can understand why Jesus gave his accusers a quick Bible study on the subject of casting out devils, vss.16-26. Jesus said, “If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his Kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub,” vs.18. (see Codices Vaticanus & Sinaiticus for “Beezebul;” see also the Chester Beatty Gospel Papyrus (p.45), Codices Ephrami Rescriptus, Bezae, et al. See also the Latin & Syraic versions. Beelzebub is derived from the Heb. text of 2 Kings 1:2,3 where “Baal Zebub” (NKJV) is used, the “god” of Ekron. It is a contemptuous perversion of Baalzebul (“lord of the temple”), the name of the “god” of Ekron. But Beelzebul in Aramaic was open to the derogatory, as the Interpreter’s Bible (note) says, interpretation “lord of dung.” [note: none of the forms has been found in Jewish lit. as a name for Satan].
Why did the Jewish onlookers have such distain for what Jesus did? – cast out a mute spirit. In John 7 we read that Jesus did not walk in Judea, because the Jews (ruling authorities) sought to KILL! Him. In vs.19 Jesus says it: “… why do you seek to KILL Me?” Vs.20, “The people answered & said, ‘You have a demon, who is seeking to KILL You’?” Vs.25 also speaks of KILLING Jesus.
When we started deliverance work (expelling demons) in Sacramento, Calif. in the early 1980s all HELL broke out against us. To this very day we’ve endured persecutions, prosecutions, and, yes, been put in prison (me = 5 years & 9 months; Deborah = 4 1/2 years (out of a 72-year sentence. She is still under Persecution /Prosecution for her crime of prophetic Words of the Spirit et al.) To this day we both are called all kinds of names, even accused of being “demon possessed!”
What the “religious” Jews did was recognize the power/authority Jesus actually had. Some in Judea had this power/authority because of the statement Jesus made in vs.19: “And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out?” As stated, Jewish exorcists were not uncommon. Acts 19:13 tell us this. The only problem – and it was a BIG one to those deliverance workers – We exorcise (adjure/command) you (spirits) by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.” Read what followed! (see Josephus Antiquities VIIII.2.5). I believe there were godly Jews who did deliverance & there were ungodly Jews who did the same. Some Bible versions have, “… certain vagabond Jews,” while others use the word “itinerant Jewish exorcists.” Some Bible scholars/historians tell us that the frequent occurrence of Jewish names of God in the magical papyri proves how prominent were Jews in the magic of the ancient world (forbidden by God – see Deut. 18:9-14 where the occult was denounced by God).
For a similar competition in magic see Acts 8:9-13 where Simon used sorcery; see Acts 13:6-12 where Elymas used sorcery. Exposition scholars (on Acts 19:13-13 tell us that the name of Jesus was used in exorcism by non-Christian circles is proved by a line of the great Paris Magical Papyrus which states, “I adjure thee by Jesus the God of the Hebrews.” It is questioned by some if demons actually gain strength by misuse of the name? (see Mk. 19:39 & Lk. 9:49,50). (note: some scholars think this story – Acts 19 – is not true (see St. Paul the Traveller, p.273).
Whatever the case may be, we who know the Lord Jesus KNOW His power. Take the time to read Acts 3:1-16; vs.16 says “And His name (Jesus), through faith in His name, hath made this man (vs.2) strong…” This cripple was healed by & through the NAME: “… In the NAME of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth rise up & walk,” Acts 3:6. Tell me, what other NAME has such power/authority? (see Phil. 2:9-11 where the Name of Jesus has ABSOLUTE POWER in heaven, on earth, & under the earth.
Can Demons Speak?
Yep! Sure can! When we worked deliverance (before we had to leave California because of so much persecution, (see our PX2 Files) We got an earful, from demons, when they were commanded out. We were new to this so we had to learn a lot – like don’t spend a lot of time conversing with demons.
To my point: Acts 19:15 We find that “the evil spirit answered & said, ‘Jesus I know, & Paul I know; but who are ye?’” The point here is that the demon acknowledges the name of both Jesus & Paul, but questions the right of these vagabond Jews to use them. These non-Christians were sons of the chief of the priests, Sceva. (note: some scholars do not believe there was such a man as Sceva). It matters not even if this story is, as some claim, “vulgarity.” Casting out demons/healing are very real (see Mark 16:17,18).
In short, these Jews had no personal identity with Jesus – were not born again (Jn. 3:3,5), they were merely exploiting the moral power of a life in which they had no share.
So, what was the end of all this? Because of what happened, “this was known to all the Jews & Greeks… fear fell on them all, & the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified,” -Acts 19:17.
Not only this, but fear caused: “Many that believed came, & confessed, & showed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, & burned them before all men…” Acts 19:18,19. This is not all, “so mightily grew the Word of God & prevailed,” vs.20.
Deeds & Books
Because of this “demon” event, a mini revolution took place. “Curious arts,” perhaps their “magic spells”; their books, i.e., documents inscribed with magical spells & charms. They were also known as “Ephesian letters,” famous worldwide, & were credited with sovereign efficacy in averting bad luck. The “burning” was known as the “Holocaust of Vanities” in the days of Savonarola (a political & religious reformer, 1452-98, was burned alive for heresy!)
Ephesus (ancient Gk. city in W. Asia Minor,) site of a large temple of Artemis the goddess of the moon, twin sister of Apollo: identified with the Roman Diana (see Acts 19:24,27,28,34,35; Artemis, the Greek goddess borrowed by the Asiatics for one of their deities: – Diana. Ephesus was also known as the “Home of Magic.” But without the supernatural, magic cannot exist. (see my articles on witchcraft).
Back to Beelzebub
Matt. 10:25, Jesus is speaking to the 12: “It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, & a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household?!”
So, my dear fellow believers, think it not strange when we are called names, threatened, even cast in jail/prison – for His great namesake. Can we expect “good” from the world (of demons)? One promise most believers refuse to quote is found in 2 Tim. 3:12. If you have not or are not being persecuted, you may question your relationship/identity with Christ.
Beelzebub, Beelzeboul, Beelzeboum, Beelzebud, Beelzebul are one & the same demon god – “lord of the flies” “god fly,” lord of dung” or “the dung god.” Dr. Lightfoot has some useful observations:
“This horrid blasphemy was directed towards the Son of God. Among the Jews it was held, in a manner, for a matter of religion, to reproach idols, & to give them odious names. R. Akibah saith, ‘Idolatry pollutes, at it is said, Thou shalt cast away the (idol) as something that is abominable, & thou shalt say to it, ‘Get thee hence.’” (Esaias XXX:22.) Lightfoot continues with a quote from R. Lazar, “Thou shalt say to it, ‘Get thee hence:’ that which they call the face of God, let them call the face of a dog. That which they call the fountain of a cup, let them call the fountain of a tail (or of flails). That which they call fortune, let them call a stink.”
It is said that among the ignominious names bestowed upon idols, the general & common one was “Zebul,” “Dung,” or “Dunghill.”
It is also known that many names of evil spirits, or devils, occur in the Talmud – foul names; Baal-zebul, not so much by a proper name, but meaning “devil.” [note: you may want to read what the Talmud says about Christians, Jesus & Mary – see my articles on “Women in the Ministry” (#7 for what the Jewish Talmud has to say: Jesus is called a “Bastard,” Mary a “whore,” Gentiles are called “animals” & “bastards,” women in general are degraded; Christians are allied with HELL! & those who read the Gospels are doomed to HELL!