By: Gen. Jim – 12/7/24

We find the name “Beelzebub” mentioned in Mt. 10:25, 12:24,27; Mk. 3:22; Lk. 11:15,18,19. The Greek spelling is Βεελζεβούλ /Beelzeboúl, the “dung-god;” Ba’alzebûwb (Heb.), “the fly;” another Heb. word is bå’al, a prim. root; “to be master;” hence (as) “husband,” or (fig.) “owner,” “captain,” “chief,” “lord” ok.
We’ve already looked at most of the above Scriptures where Beelzebub is mentioned. In Mt. 10:25 Jesus tells His disciples that since He has been called “Beelzebub” they will be called derogatory names as well. The Christians, according to historians, under the persecutions of the 2nd century were called “haters of mankind,” but their sufferings proved their love for souls. They were also called “atheists,” but their steadfast love & faith in Christ was irrefutable. Many died at the hands of both pagan governments & the Jews themselves (who gave consent to the pagan government). Stephen was the first Martyr who died by stoning (Acts 7:57-60; 8:1-4). Stephen was called a blasphemer.
In Mt. 12:24,27 Jesus was accused of casting out demons by Beelzebub (vs.24), the prince of devils. This is the Aramaic form of ba’al zebhûl, which in the 1st century may have been understood as “lord of the high house” or “of the temple.” It is a very ancient divine name. The Ras Shamra texts. (around 1400 B.C.) describe the Canaanite god Aleyon Baal as “zebul, baal of the earth,” and here (Mt. 12:24) zebhûl means “exalted one.” The god of Ekron (2 Kgs. 1:2) must have been called Baal-zebul, but the Bible authors called him Baalzebub (“lord of flies”) to show their utter contempt for him. It is said that Jerome (monk, A.D. 340-420, & church scholar & author of the Vulgate Bible) adopted the form Beelzebub for the Vulgate N.T., from which it has come into the English versions. On the other hand, the Jews regarded Beelzebul as the “prince of demons” & not a god. The charge that Jesus practiced magic is found in the Talmud & also in Justin (Dialogue with Trypho 69; Origen Against Celsus 1:28).
People in Christ’s age believed in both angels & demons: the middle air, it was believed, was filled with malignant spirits. These demons were ruled by “the prince of the power of the air” (as stated in Paul’s Eph. 2:2). Christ was accused by His enemies (the “religious” Jews in leadership) that He learned His “tricks” from an Egyptian juggler, a charge that Celsus adopted, & embellished, (see James A. Froude’s, Short Studies on Great Subjects, 4th ser. (NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1883), pp.254-57).
Again, Jesus refutes His enemies in Mt. 12:27-29. Like I’ve already stated, Jews believed in casting out devils (as stated in vs.27). The rabbis believed in demons. It is stated in writings that Solomon could exorcise demons & control them. (see Tob. 6:8; 8:2,3; Josephus Antiq. VIII.2,5 where demons are mentioned. Tobit 8:3 speaks of repelling a demon that fled to Egypt where Raphael followed him & bound him hand & foot. Egypt was the traditional home of magic & witchcraft (see Ex. 7:11 where Pharaoh called the wise men, the sorcerers, the magicians to show their enchantments i.e. secret arts).
Jesus contends that a strong man must be bound before his house can be spoiled, vss.28,29, which meant that He had more power than Beelzebub – The satanic power will be broken in the messianic age (according to Test Levi 18, it is the messianic high priest who will do this great deed).
Mark 3:22 accuses Jesus of having Shamra tablets has “Lord of the Mansion” or “Lord of the Temple.” (Q. is the Temple/mansion the earth, the world, Hell?). In time this primitive baal degenerated into a demon, like other pagan gods/goddesses surviving in Jewish folklore (good ref. is W.F. Albright’s, “The North-Canaanite Epic of ‘Al’êyân Báal & Môt,” Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society, XII, (1932), 191 & 200).
If Jesus was possessed by Beelzebub – prince of devils – why would he cast out other demons to set men/women/children free? Isn’t this a good deed, not an evil deed? The “religious” accused Him of being in league with Satan! They accused Jesus of being MAD! (I’ve heard this from our enemies!!!). Even some of Jesus’ friends said, “He is beside Himself” (Mt. 3:21), which meant He was in a state of mental exaltation (see 2 Cor. 5:13 where Paul uses the phrase, “beside ourselves”). His friends came to take Him away was an act of love & kindness. They knew of the plots to kill Jesus. They no doubt felt that He, doing miracles, was in danger (my thought). To this very day there are Jews who still believe Jesus was MAD, and a FRAUD!
It is ironic that demons knew who Jesus was (see Mk. 1:23-27) & the “religious” did not. Jesus commanded the unclean spirit out of the man in their synagogue (hey, how many unclean/unholy men & women are in today’s churches?). By this great deed the synagogue folks questioned, “…what thing is this? What new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth He even the unclean spirits, & they do obey Him,” –Mk. 1:27.
When we opened up Fort Freedom (in Sacramento, CA) back in the early 1980s, the whole city got in an uproar (see our PX2 Files Trilogy for info.). We were targeted by the churches, the media (newspapers/T.V./radio), & by satanists etc. The WAR was ON!!! Mobs plagued us… but God kept delivering those with demon problems. PTL!
Luke 11:15,18, & 19 have already been examined. Verse 20 is interesting: “But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the Kingdom of God is come upon you.” What? The “finger of God?” this was an O.T. expression (see Ex. 8:19; Deut. 9:10 et al.), & perhaps preferable to Matthew’s “the Spirit of God.” Here in Luke Jesus declares that His power/authority over devils comes from His Father & that it is evidence that the “New World Order,” aka “New Age” of God’s rule has already begun (see 10:18 where “Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”) The ecstatic vision was the DEFEAT of Satan – a greater authority/power had arrived = Jesus Himself. The imagery of Isa. 14:12; Rev. 12:7-9 can be looked at.
Notice how Jesus’ “Vision” of Satan falling is sandwiched between vs.17 & vs.20: vs.17 = Jesus’ disciples joyful and rejoicing over the fact that devils were subject to them; Vss.19,20 speaks of delegated authority over serpents & scorpions, euphemisms for demons. Note also that Jesus’ disciples did not claim authority over demons in THEIR name, but in HIS name, LK. 10:17.
Someone wrote me the other day telling me that the name “Jesus” was demonic & I need to STOP using it. He meant well but was very deceived! I’ve heard this many times before. Well, I’ll continue to use this divine name. I’ve seen my share of demons fleeing & bodies healed using the name JESUS!!!
The real reason for rejoicing (vs.20) is, as Jesus stated, “because your names are written in heaven.”(see O.T. Ex. 32:32,33; Ps. 69:28; Dan. 12:1; Enoch 104:1; Rev. 3:5 etc.). Remember what Jesus said in Mt. 7:22,23? Verse 22, “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? & in Thy name have cast out devils? & in Thy name done many wonderful works?’” The prophets, exorcists, & miracle workers – all using Jesus’ name. We can rejoice in all these but Jesus warns that, “… I will profess unto them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART from Me, ye that work iniquity’” vs.23. Doing great things in His name is great but keeping one’s name in the Book of Life is greater!
Many are confused over what Jesus said to these in vs.22. Verse 23 has the word “iniquity.” The quotation is from Ps. 6:8. Some versions use the word “lawlessness” (see 2 Tim. 2:19 = “… Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”). Psalm 5:5 says that God “…HATES ALL WORKERS of INIQUITY”;
Q. Is the Word saying to prophesy, cast out demons, & work miracles are considered “iniquity”?
It may be noted that the phrase “Lord, Lord” (Mt. 7:21) was uttered by some in the days of Jesus & in the post-early church, i.e. when Jesus was still with them physically, used the name as a magic formula. By incantation they brought a mere temporary peace to slaves victimized by their masters & harried by belief in demons. They cast out devils, but granted no new life. As we well know there are those today in churches world-wide that use the name of “Jesus” for other reasons than heart worship & service. Too many “profess” Christ with “possessing” Him.
Luke’s reading goes like this: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ & not do the things which I say?” – Lk. 6:46. One theologian once stated, in ref. to Lk. 6:46, “a saying that is pregnant with pathos in Luke’s version, but impersonal in Matthew’s.” “Lord” originally meant “sir” or “master,” but would be filled with much richer content by readers of the Gospel. All MSS support the double form of address.
We today, at least we here, know what we mean by using “Lord.” Church traditions, dogmatic orthodoxies, creeds etc. are not enough – one MUST be born-again (Jn. 3:3,5), have a personal relationship with the Tri-Unity. There are those who can quote the Bible but have not had a born-again, water-baptized experience. Too many look to their particular denomination/organization but have not been born-again. They have not the correct foundation. What did Paul mean when he penned 1 Cor. 3:11 – “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” How many these days have not Jesus Christ the Lord as their eternal foundation, but merely have a Church/organization to truth in?
While we may not know all the “spirit intricacies,” we can keep our faith & trust in the “Lord” and, in His time, we can & will learn. Mere profession of a Christian life will not prepare one for heaven. We need eternal salvation. We need the “Sword that Cuts & the Fire that Burns” … cutting & burning the HELL out of us!
Men & women of the cloth today think that “numbers” count. Look at all these mega churches; how many members are right-in-the-sight of the “Lord”? They, I dare say, most need exorcisms, for the devil rules supreme, while big crowds & loud music (noise?) are esteemed “spiritual,” is this genuine Christianity?
At best, the early Church was a mixture of good & evil. Today’s Church is no exception – even WORSE, for we have the WHOLE LGBTQ abomination in full operation! NO Shame! How many sex perverts will the Lord say to, “I never knew you!?” How many heterosexuals, women who have had abortions, those who drink & use drugs fill mega churches weekly?
Lip service! This is a plague in far too many Christian circles. How often do Church-ites use the name of the Lord in vain? [note: Nouns = kurios (κύριος), Despotēs (δεσπότης), & Megistan (μεγιστάν); Verbs = kurieuō (κυριεύω) & katakurieuō (κατακρίνω); Adj. = kariakos (κυριακός).
When Jesus made His condemning statement in Mt. 7:21, it was the result of what He said in vss.15-20, false prophets, false or evil fruit. Prof. Adam Clarke commented on vs.19 – “Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, & cast into the fire.” Jesus made that statement. Yep, that loving Savior we think would never, ever send a soul to Hell, in this case, the lake of fire! Clarke said, “what a terrible sentence is this against Christless pastors, & Christless hearers!”
Jesus, the Holy Spirit & the Father are not deceived by all this Church profession. They were not deceived back then; they are not deceived today. They know who is merely a “professor” of the Christian faith & the ones who are possessors.
Did you know there is a BIG difference between the two?
Profess: to make an open declaration of; affirm, to claim, to declare;
Possess or possession: ownership, control of, ruler of.
Did you know that Jesus (as a man) both professed & possessed God the Father? Look up the Scriptures please. Here in Mt. 7:23 we read Jesus’ own words: “And then will I profess unto them (the fakes, flakes, & snakes), ‘I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity’.”
One can hold the truth in unrighteousness, while literally teaching/preaching pure Biblical truths. What of all these modern church folks who preach from the Bible but live like Beelzebub, the prince of devils?
Can a Christian have a demon? (see my DVD teaching – posted) We have Acts 5:3 to consider. While Acts et al. show us that believers can be/ are filled with the Holy Spirit (or Ghost), we also find Scriptures where Satan filled the believers with himself. We even find Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit (see Luke 4:10,14). We find in Acts 8:17 where believers received the Holy Spirit, i.e. filled; We also find one Simon wanting the H.S. that he offered $$ for it, 8:18-24. He was no doubt a professor but not a possessor. He was bound by iniquity as those in Mt. 7:23.
DEPART FROM ME!!! Terrible! Terrible! Separated from Christ, all is Hell!
I would like to end, this article with John 17:1-26, Jesus’ Priestly prayer. Here Jesus consecrates Himself before offering His life as the ONE PERFECT sacrifice for the sins of the world; He also consecrates His disciples so that they also may be offered in the service of perfect obedience.
Apropos: Jesus professes, “I have glorified you (Father) on the earth. I have finished the work which you have given Me to do,” -vs.4 Jesus goes on to speak of what He had done, vss.5-20. Vs.21, Jesus professes, “that they (disciples) all may be ONE, as you, Father, are in Me, & I in You…” Here Jesus also professes that He possesses His Father, “You, Father, are in Me.”His prayer was that His disciples (we also of today) “… also may be ONE in Us…”.
Jesus prays for His immediate Church (Gk., Ekklesia) & for the future Ekklesia. He prays for UNITY (ONE). This “unity” is not that of a human organization, but is a gift of divine love. Vss.24-26 is the closing verses that pass from faith to hope in the eschatological vision of the militant/glorified Church.
So, His militant Church is going to put all enemies under foot & march forward in UNITY for the Lord’s sake. Amen. TO HELL with Beelzebub & all his demons!