This testimony is from Sister Anna McGhie. We’ve experienced the same thing she did many times when we worked full time in deliverance work. (General James Green)
A YOUNG man came to us in great agony after a morning service, saying, “There is a devil in me,” and implored us to cast him out. The appeal for deliverance through the power of Christ threw the demon into a rage, and he became violent, threatening to kill us. The demon, using the young man’s voice, said, “I want to kill you; every one of you should be killed.” He could only be restrained in his effort to destroy us by four strong men. Between the attacks of violence he would reach out his hands in pitiful pleading that we might cast the demon out. Was not this poor victim included in the victory of Calvary? The power of Satan was defeated when Jesus cried, “It is finished!” The farthest reaches of Calvary extended to us when He said to His disciples, “I give you power over all the power of the enemy.” Surely we must believe this commission reaches down the centuries if we believe the Word of God. Missionaries and native Christians united in faith to lay hold for power to cast out this malignant, fiendish spirit, which had set on this fine young man to destroy him. We cried for a conquering faith to make us able to stand on the Word of God until full deliverance came. About four o’clock in the afternoon he became quiet, and we encouraged ourselves to believe the demon had gone. He attended the evening service and seemed interested in the message from the Word, but Satan, once being an angel of light, knows how to play the role of an angel and was only lying low that we might give up the battle.
The next morning the young man was again at our door, exclaiming, “Oh, that devil is still in me; he is devouring me. Please cast him out.” Again the violence was terrific and strong men laid hold on him. His distressing cry for water pierced our very soul, “Give me water. I am burning up. Give me water. Though he drank great quantities of water his thirst was unslaked. Seeing the water was relieving the demon instead of the poor, ravished victim, we prayed God to bless the water and not let it satisfy the demon. Then as we held the glass to his lips he refused to drink; the perverse demon within prevented him. Our next resort was to pour pails of water over his feverish, burning body, all the while claiming him loosed from the devil’s power.
Oh, what chains! Chains of hell bound him, while his whole being was gripped with suffering. Dare we give him up and take defeat? No, we stood over him all the day long, and kept up the fight though all the powers of darkness resisted us. If Satan should gain victory over us in this conflict he would be sure to force us to retreat in the next encounter. The mighty promise to overcome, even as Jesus overcame, was ours. The terror of raging demons could not make us afraid. Our hearts were made strong to know that we had promise of the same power our Lord used in His combats with the foe. It seemed all hell emptied itself to fight against us, but win we must if equipped with His faith. Jesus emerged from every conflict victorious, and so must we. At five o’clock in the evening he said, “I feel that demon going down into my feet.” We knew then he was being dislodged, and we continued to hurl the weapons of Scripture after him. Soon a bright, relaxed expression came into his face and he shouted, “Oh, he’s gone!” The young man is now preaching the gospel in India. God permitted the demon to linger those two long days in order to create stronger faith in us, and to bring greater humiliation to Satan. No matter how great is the strength of the foe, our God gives us greater strength, and after win- ning a hard battle our spiritual senses are enlarged and our inner strength is increased. It is when the waves and billows of the enemy roll over us that “deep calleth unto deep,” and our soul enters into the deeps of God.
Education of the head will not deliver man’s bound soul. The young man was educated for one of India, being a high school graduate with a speaking knowledge of English. But education will not deliver demon-possessed souls. We must give Christ to the soul of man as we give education to the mind, and then shall the mighty power of Calvary become the necessary instrument to save the world from sin. “The world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” If men can be demon-possessed they can be God-possessed. Every place God puts us is a battlefield, and we know that if Satan has power to drag man down to the uttermost depths and destroy him, God has power to lift him up to the uttermost heights and save him. We must proclaim the victory which Christ gained for us on the cross. Dr. Game- burn, at one time dean of Norwich, asks, “Cannot the same wonders be done now as of old? Where is the God of Elijah? He is waiting for Elijah to call on Him. The greatest saints who ever lived whether under the old or new dispensation are on a level which is quite within our reach today. The same forces of the spiritual world which were at their command, and the exertion of which made them such spiritual heroes are open to us also. If we had the same faith, the same hope, the same love which they exhibited, we would achieve marvels as great as those which they achieved. A word of prayer in our mouths would be as potent to call down God’s Spirit as it was in Elijah’s mouth to call down literal rain and fire, if we could only speak the word with that full assurance of faith wherewith he said it.”
Would that the saints of Christian lands could see the results of native leaders who at one time were controlled by the power of demoniacal spirits now out lifting up the Spirit of Jesus in personal living and preaching. Such transformations mean more to the advancement of the gospel of Christ in heathen lands than the preaching of the gospel by a multitude of missionaries. The contrast and beauty of such lives are bound to be more effective in proving the power of our God. If we penetrate into the depths of the meaning of Calvary and the teaching of the Word on faith and demonology, then we shall be able to prevail against the forces of the enemy, and our Lord will communicate to us His power of authority over them. Now that our Conqueror is seated on the throne with all the armor of the enemy destroyed let us “wax valiant in fight,” knowing it is sure to be a winning fight if our faith fail not.
“Dare to stand on Calvary And His victory claim; Dare to say to Satan now, ‘Go, in Jesus’ name.”