By: Gen. Jim – 7/2/24
“And the LORD said, ‘Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?’ And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner. And there came forth a spirit and stood before the LORD and said, ‘I will persuade him.’ And the LORD, said unto him, ‘Wherewith?’ And he said, ‘I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And He said, ‘Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so’” (1 Kings 22:21,22).
Here we have a story of two Israelite kings, Jehoshaphat and Ahab and a prophet, Micaiah, whom Ahab disliked because he was an honest prophet. Ahab’s (false) prophets always prophecied victory, not defeat. Micaiah’s prophecy was that Ahab would die in battle.
This discussion in v.15-23 tells us many things: a spirit (demon) stands before the LORD, (v.21), meaning the spirit was subject to the LORD; the spirit can speak as well as the LORD; the spirit has a strategy, “I will be a LYING spirit,” the LORD uses this demon to fulfill His will: to have wicked Ahab killed!
Prophecy has a more-than-human origin. If the man himself is in control of his faculties, the word is his and so are his actions. But if a man is not in control of his own faculties, e.g., a prophet in his ecstasy or perhaps a well-known prophet under all circumstances, then either the word of the prophet is the Word of the LORD or else it is a message from some “spirit” alien to God. Micaiah was a true prophet of God, inspired by God – Ahab would die!
“Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets, and the LORD hath spoken EVIL concerning thee” (v.23). Ahab’s prophets were going to lie to their king, thus he would disagree with the true prophet and do what the false prophets told him: go up against Ramoth-gilead to battle… and prosper! (see v.15).
One can only wonder how many ministers today have lying demons in them? The things they say and do is astonishing indeed.
While I believe all spirits and Satan himself are under God’s control, I also believe He allows them free reign to do evil but at the same time He will use them for His own purposes.
Does God not commit evil when He uses evil? Some ask. Jeremiah the prophet even had a problem (a fear?) with God deceiving him (see Jeremiah 20:7; the KJV uses the word “deceived,” whereas the NKJV uses the word “induced” (lit., enticed or persuaded).
Paul in the N.T. wrote about God sending the ones who were unrighteous, resisting the truth, STRONG DELUSIONS (see 2 Thessalonians 2:11,12) that they all may be CONDEMNED.
John writes “… do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God…” (1 John 4:1). The use of the phrase “the spirit of the Lord” (O.T.) denotes true prophecy.
I believe both church and State are ruled by demons today (with exceptions). This nation has become so corrupt and anti-Christ. I don’t need to convince you – you see what I see. The ministers of today, like the politicians, they speak LIES in hypocrisy yet act so holy and stately. There have been few leaders/rulers so perverse and few causes so corrupting as we have today. Ecclesiastical and partisan leadership has gone to HELL in this hour and in this generation. Truth has become lies and lies have become truth. The pulpit has given its standard of righteousness away by catering to the public, especially the LGBTQ plus and the democratic party (with some GOPs).
Both the government of God and the government of men is compromised to the point to demonization! The halls of government, aka, “Halls of Hell” are full of wickedness. The same goes for the church. When people prefer a religious/political message which makes them FEEL GOOD rather than one which makes them be good, know that spirits are in control. The church has exchanged the “sharp two-edged sword” for a “butter knife,” hence, no cutting (see Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12; Revelations 19:5).
Ahab got the prophets he wanted: the end was DEATH! When ministers adhere to the “saints” know that the shepherds are following the sheep, hence, a spiral of spiritual disillusionment.
Why have we, as a “Christian” nation become so “unchristian?” Where have the men and women of God gone – those who heard from and obeyed the voice of the Lord/LORD/Holy Spirit – without compromise? Where have all the politicians gone that once stood by the U.S. Constitution?
When the true prophet of the LORD told the truth, he received not smiles, but he received a SMACK on the face (v.24). Not only this but an escort to prison. But his word (which was the Lord’s) could have, would have saved Ahab. So it is today. Ministers and political people do not want to hear the truth (with exceptions). Oh, no! Hell No! They love lies!
Back to Ahab and the “lying spirit.” God permitted the lying spirit to persuade Ahab to go to battle despite the true prophets’ warning not to go up. Micaiah the prophet said, “As the LORD liveth what the LORD saith unto me that will I speak” (1 Kings 22:14).
I’ve had some who told me that God used wickedness in permitting the lying spirit to persuade Ahab to go… so he would die in battle. Well, better study the Scriptures better. God can and does use both mercy and wrath when He sees fit. “But what about Psalms 119:163 Jim?” Psalms 119 is a lengthy psalm with plenty to ponder. The psalmist says “I hate and abhor lying,” echoing the nature of God. The psalmist declares in v.29, “Remove from me the way of lying.” Does God approve of lying? God was not the One lying in our target text, it was a “lying spirit.” Psalms 115:3 declares, “But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.”
Because Ahab would not listen to the LORD’s prophet, Micaiah, He “put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee” (v.23).
The Scripture repeatedly represents God as doing/saying what, in the course of His providence, He only permits or allows to be done. Since He is “on-the-presence,” nothing can be done in heaven, earth, or under the earth, but either by His immediate energy or permission.
To be clear, God never commits moral evil but allows men and demons to do so; or He can prevent them. When He declares in Isaiah 45:7 “… I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (KJV). I’ve written many articles on this verse. The word “evil” in Hebrew means
adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, displeasure, distress, grief, harm, hurt, mischief, misery, sorrow,” etc. (ra). Another Hebrew word is “ra’a’”(a prim. root) meaning “to spoil, break in pieces, afflict, break, displease, do harm, punish” etc. All these meanings refer not to “moral evil” but “physical/emotional” evil.
So, what have we learned? First, the LORD is LORD – He does whatsoever pleases Him for whatever reason; Nothing is hid from Him; God permitted a “lying spirit” (from satan) to go into all the prophets of king Ahab – for his destruction!
You see, the rise and fall of mighty men and nations was and is under God’s sovereign rule. The issues of peace and war, the affairs of state, which are overseen by both good/moral men as well as bad/immoral men (and women). Some are wise, some are fools, and some are demon possessed! God allows men and nations free will but He will intervene when He sees the need.
Micaiah gave Ahab fair warning, not only of the danger of proceeding in the war, but of the danger of believing those that encouraged him to proceed. The true prophet of God suffered physical abuse as well as being thrown into prison.
To make this more personal, why do you, readers, think America is so divided today, so corrupt? As I write this (July 2, 2024) America is on the verge of civil war! The democratic party, aka “demoncratic party,” has an extremely EVIL man that rules from the White House, aka “Pink House,” with V.P. just as bad! No need in citing all his/her crimes, the media et al. does it for us. While the “left” thinks they will rule forever, it is up to God who will rule. One thing for sure is that when nations turns from God and turns to gods, nothing good will come of it.
United States of America has now, under the Biden/Harris cartel/regime, become “Divided States of Amerika” aka “United Snakes of Amerika.” the feeble current prez needs to step down and allow another to rule. This feckless fossil had done his share of destroying this nation. “Got to GO Joe!”