By: Gen. James Green – 2012

WHEN OUR cunning adversary perceives that we are WALKING and WARRING in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16), and is unable to trick us (using all manner of chicaneries), he—Satan—transforms himself into an “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). This “prince of darkness” puts on the camouflage uniform of light and sets the standard for his army of demon spirits and his army of fake soldiers of Christ, in the masquerade to DECEIVE the (true) people of God; and by suggestions of seeming comradeship he tries to ambush the righteous.
Satan, being abhorred at the WAY and WILL of Jesus Christ—our Captain in this war, presents a “better WAY”—a way that eventually will lead into DAMNATION!! He offers worldly pleasures and amusements. Beware!! This has been the DEATH of many saints of God—thinking him (and his soldiers of damnation) to be allies in war, they have been found to be the enemies of our souls.
DEATH! This has been the end of many who have failed to remain vigilant. Relaxing one’s vigilance is a trick of Satan. This is one of his malicious tricks–acting as “friend,” but in reality is our “foe.” HIS “LIGHT” MAY CERTAINLY DAZZLE US, BUT HIS ULTIMATE INTENTION IS TO DESTROY US. I have seen many, too many!, fall into the error of those who thought they pass for “spiritual,” but are enticed and destroyed by deceitful means. And though all this is done on the pretext of “love” / “tolerance,” it is in fact a vain attempt to conciliate a mortal enemy.
This camouflaged tempter, who is anti-Christ in nature and full of Hell, is continually on the watch for those who are (spiritually) careless (1 Pet. 5:8).
Therefore, as he (and his demon spirits) is watching to snipe the unsuspecting, BE AWAKE, and BE on GUARD, lest you be killed.
Continue perseveringly in prayer (Eph. 6:18). This “warfare” calls for an intensity in both prayer and supplication. Prayer is a mighty weapon that no soldier of Christ should be without.
The “Sword of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17) is our offensive weapon to be used in this great conflict against the power and forces of evil. To neglect to use our weapons will prove fatal (Eph. 6:12 tells us what we fight against. These are various ranks of demons that can and do transform themselves into “angels of light”). However plausible and harmless these evil forces may seem, they have ONE goal in mind (as does their commander-in-chief—satan): to steal, kill, and to destroy (Jn. 10:10).
OUR LACK OF WATCHFULNESS CAUSES THE ADVERSARY TO ADVANCE; AND THIS WILY SERPENT SLITHERS CLOSE SO AS TO STRIKE! I know. As a kid playing in a brush pile, I was bitten twice on the arm by a rattlesnake. I never saw the snake, but the bites were there. I was taken to the doctors for the snake bites. This really scared me: I had a friend that lost one of his legs by the diamondback rattler—the same kind that bit me…TWICE!
I was careless. Yes, I was only 9 years old, but I had been warned about rattlers. Terror! Demon forces use “terrorism.” This puts fear into our hearts. When we are terrorized, we become disoriented. In this state of peril, the enemy (or enemies) has the “cutting edge.” I’ve been there, done that! Fear makes one want to run. It was proven that in WWII more wounds were inflicted on the backs/butts of soldiers than wounds inflicted on the front side. They stated that when men, overcome by fear, ran from the enemy, they received more wounds—the attackers received less!
So, since our obstinate foe, who is never, ever weary of troubling us, assails us by false appearances—transforming himself into an “angel of light,” STAND FIRM and STEADFAST in the FAITH.