By: Gen. Jim – 2/9/25

How did the early Christian Church feel about entertainments & entertainers? Let’s face it, entertainments, i.e. worldly music, sports, joke telling, stage acts, all kinds of dancing, fashion shows, banquets of indulgences, you name it, it is in today’s Church. Even mocking God & His Word is not prohibited.
Let’s start out with what some of the pre-Nicene Christians /pre-Nicene Church believed.
The Church as we know it today – the hundreds of denominations /organizations etc. that make up what we call “Church” – have gone from BAD to WORSE. Some more conservative churches still keep a lid on wild, noisy, inappropriate entertainment (“E”). Others go full speed, while others remain in between.
There are “Spirit-filled” Churches that allow the Holy Spirit to demonstrate in & through the people (I once belonged to one – a Pentecostal Church where I witnessed many manifestations of healings, prophecies, even the blood of Jesus appearing! We kept the entertainment at LOW but we did not need to be entertained, the Holy Spirit was present.
We visited other denominations in those years (70s-90s) that were dry as last year’s bird nest! No joy, no excitement in the Spirit, dead-letter sermons. Then, in California, when we started ACMTC we visited some “cutting edge” Churches where vile dancing, drugs, alcohol, all kinds of sex permitted. We knew one female that had over 5 abortions, was addicted to “legal” drugs (she worked as a nurse & stole them). We eventually led her OUT and into ACMTC where we believed in strong discipline, dominion, & practiced deliverance (expelling demons). Each week her Church had some form of worldly entertainer/entertainment. I heard two “disciples” doing a cocaine deal while the Rock music played (these 2 sat right in front of me so I could hear what they discussed).
Ok, I’m not going to entertain you with stories (true ones!) that could be told. I want to jump right in & quote from various early Christian writers/leaders. (Some quotes I will shorten).
To Start
In the year 390 A.D. the Apostolic Constitutions were compiled. Here are 3 quotes:
“Abstain from all pagan books. For what have you to do with such alien discourses, laws, or false prophets? For these subvert the faith of the unstable.” (7:393);
“Avoid indecent shows. I mean the theaters & the ceremonies of the pagans.” (7:424);
“A Christian who is faithful should neither repeat a pagan hymn nor sing an obscene song.” (7:442).
Lactantius (250-325 A.D.) wrote a lengthy article (I’ve shortened it): “I am inclined to think that the corrupting influence of the stage is more contaminating than [the gladiator combats]. That is because the subject of comedies is the dishonoring of virgins or the loves of harlots… In like manner, the tragedies place before the eyes [of the audience] the incests & parental murders… The actors’ weakened bodies are rendered effeminate often the gait & dress of women. They imitate unchaste woman by their disgraceful gestures… they teach adulteries while they act them out. By pretended actions, they train their audience to do those actions that are real…” (304-313 A.D., 7:187).
Sounds exactly like todays LGBTQ/progressive/Woke/PC churches.
Cyprian (d.258 A.D.): “Turn your attention to the abominations of another kind of spectacle that is not less to be deplored [gladiator]. In the theaters also, you will behold what may well cause you grief & shame… vice become examples… Adultery is learned while it is seen… what a degradation of morals it is! What a stimulus to abominable deeds, what food for vice!” (250 A.D., 5:277);
In other writing Cyprian wrote: “Men (claiming Christianity) find a defense in the heavenly Scripture for the vain superstitions associated with the public exhibitions of the pagans… We read of psalteries, horns, trumpets, drums, pipes, harps, & choral dances… David led the dances in the presence of God is no sanction for faithful Christians to occupy seats in the public theater. For David did not twist his limbs about in obscene movements” [note: there is debate over who wrote this. Some believe Novation but formerly attributed to Cyprian). (235 A.D., 5:755,76). I don’t really care who the author was. What they wrote is what we know is true. While all those music instruments were used in the O.T., I find it hard to find such in the N.T. I’m not saying music is wrong for the N.T. Ekklesia, but search the Scriptures for proof. (I did articles about this years ago where very, very little is found about music/dancing etc. I believe in songs/music if anointed of the Holy Spirit. But what we find in too many churches is not anointed of God; merely presented as such by men/women who are more worldly-minded than Spirit-led. Before I go on, can we find the word “music” in the N.T.? There are many, many refs. to music (musick), musical, musician/ musicians in the O.T. The word “musicians” is mentioned once – Rev. 18:22 along with “harpers”/ “pipers”, etc. But note, 18:22 is not the N.T. Church but Babylon, the great WHORE! Yep! Lots of harpists, musicians, flutists, & trumpeters – lots of worldly music (noise!).
The only other mention of music is found in Luke 15:25, where Jesus (under the O.T. dispensation) tells a parable of a certain man that had two sons (parable of the Prodigal Son). He mentions music & dancing, not in Church/temple, but in a private O.T. house.
The second quote also was formerly attributed to Cyprian but some believe it was written by Novation; “Idolatry… is the mother of all the public amusements… A man has no shame if he exorcises demons in the Church, but then praises their delights in public shows… he disregards what he has renounced in baptism if he goes to the devil’s exhibitions…” (235 A.D., 5:576);
“As often happens, a Christian hurries to the public spectacle when dismissed from the Lord’s [assembly] – … such an unfaithful man has carried about the holy body of Christ among the filthy bodies of harlots… People flock there to the public disgrace of the brothel, for the teaching of obscenity.” (235 A.D., 5:577).
Eph. 5:19 makes mention of “melody” (Gk. psallō, used in two different ways; 1 – to twitch or twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument; 2 – celebrate the divine worship with music and or make melody, i.e. sings.
Eph. 5:19 tells us which: “speaking to one another in psalms & hymns & spiritual songs, singing & making melody in your heart to the Lord.” Acts 16:25 makes mention of “praying & singing hymns to God.” This was being done in prison by Paul & Silas. No mention of a rock n roll or rap band! Even Eph. 5:19 does not mention instruments; but there could have been.
James 5:13 mentions “sing psalms.” Let me return to Eph. 5:19, “making melody in your heart.” Frankly, vs.19,20 does not even mention music/singing in Church: the content is about the Christian’s WHOLE life, which should move in the atmosphere of inner worship. In Paul’s context the words cannot refer to the meetings for public worship alone or even primarily, but to everyday social/spiritual intercourse. The whole expression is modeled on Col. 3:16,17, where Paul writes “admonishing one another in psalms & hymns & spiritual songs” (be they militant or praise). He goes on to say “singing with grace (not music mentioned) in your hearts to the Lord,” vs.16). There was no need of professional players or actors to entertain. No! Just praise from the heart. This is not to say that God does not allow instruments but the main point being “heart worship.”
Please note: the singing is done TO THE LORD, i.e., to CHRIST JESUS, not to the people… something we hardly find in today’s contemporary Church. The singers & swingers look & act like the world. Haven’t you seen the light shows, the grabbing of the private parts (rap “stars”), the twisting of body parts to imitate fornication? Some songs are laced with foul words (some using the “F” word). they call this “Christian worship” HA! It is Satan worship!
The “heart” alteration/omission is certainly deliberate. Why would Satan want God’s people (?) to give Him heart worship? That is not his style!
Clement wrote in ref. to Eph. 5:19: “… is an unconscious reflection of how completely Christians had become accustomed to think about Jesus Christ as about God.” (2 Clem. 1:1). He goes on to say “and to find Him always present with them in their joyful gatherings.”
Pliny’s report on singing, on the results of his inquiry into the tenets of the Christianity of his time in Pontus (112 A.D.), he found that Christians “were accustomed on a fixed day to gather before daybreak & to sing antiphonally a hymn to Christ as to a god” (see his (“Letters X.96)
When we lived at both Berino, N.M. (several miles from the TX. border/El Paso, & when we lived years up at Fence Lake, NM (close to Gallup, N.M.), we always met before day break. My wife & I were accustomed to rising at 3:00 or 3:30 every day – 7 days a week since our days at Fort Freedom (C.A.) in the 1980s. We partook of communion daily, prayed, often sang songs & heard prophetic messages (given by Deborah, aka “Words of the Spirit – see some posted, in print & verbal).
Today’s Contemporary Church cannot operate without loud music (usually) & entertainments. The leaders are not interested in feeding their flocks – they fleece them! The Bible calls them wolves in sheep’s clothing” (see Mt. 7:15; see also Mt. 10:16; Lk. 10:3 & Acts 20:29). These false prophets/leaders are fakes, flakes, & snakes as well. Jeremiah 23:16 & Micah 3:5 spoke of such. Jesus points them out and says their end will be “fire” (vs.19).
Note vs.18 (Eph. 5): “And be not drunk with wine… but be filled with the Spirit.” How many Church-ites are Spiritless? They operate by their human spirit, yet act religious! I’ve been in some “religious” places of “worship” where alcohol was permitted. And, yes, I’ve seen some “ministers” literally intoxicated. We all know this don’t we? (read Acts 2:13 where Spiritual tongues (which we all here have) is equated as with effect of being drunk (see our articles on the “Speaking in Tongues” & the miracles of Christ” at aggressivechristianity.Net).
Plato, though he forbade drunkenness in general, yet allowed that the people should get drunk in the solemnities of that “god” who invented wine.
I could write pages on this subject – both then & now. The pagan priests pretended to be “filled” with the influence of the “god” they worshipped; & it was in these times that they gave out their (false) oracles, just as some do today.
(Luke 9:39 describes how a “spirit” seizes a person, convulses, foams at the mouth.” I’ve seen some of this demonic stuff pushed off as godly! And, yes, we’ve dealt with real living demonized persons that went crazy, some completely out of their right minds.
Pt. 2
Tatian (2nd cent.) wrote this to pagans: “They utter ribaldry (humor language) in pretentious tones, & they act out indecent movements. Your daughters & your sons watch them giving lessons in adultery on the stage… Admirable, too, are your lying poets, who beguile their listeners from the truth through their fictions… He who is chief among you collects a legion of blood-stained murderers (gladiators), engaging to maintain them… And he who misses the murderous exhibition is grieved, for he was not doomed to be a spectator of wicked, impious, & abominable deeds!” (160 A.D., 2:75).
W.E. Vines Gk. N.T. Words Dict. has sumphōnia (συμφωνία) as “a sounding together (Eng., symphony), found in Luke 15:25: “Now his older son was in the field; & when he returned & approached the house, he heard music & dancing,” Amp. Bible. He says in the Sept. (Gk. O.T.), Daniel 3:5,7,10,15, for Aramaic “sumpônyâ” (not in vs.7), itself a loan word from the Gk., translated “dulcimer” (R.V., margin, “bagpipe”).
Vine also cites Rev. 18:22, R.V., see “minstrels”/ “mousikos” (μουσικός), “minstrels” (A.C. “Musicians”); inasmuch as other instrumentalists are mentioned, some word like “minstrels” is necessary to make the distinction, hence the R.V.; Vine mentions other Gk. scholars who translate it “singers”. Primarily the word denoted “devoted to the Muses” (the 9 goddesses who presided over the principal departments of letters), & was used of anyone devoted to or skilled in arts/sciences, or learned.”
The Heb. – Gk. Key Study Bible (NIV) reads: “The music of harpists & musicians, flute players & trumpeters, will never be heard in you (the Great Whore/Babylon) again…” Rev. 18:22 (see Isa. 24:8; Ez. 26:13 where God is going to STOP the music!)
Zondervan’s NIV Study Bible reads pretty much the same. Rev. 18:21-24 is the finality of Babylon’s DOOM. Her lavish prosperity & violent persecution of God’s (true) people will end in fitting divine judgement, which prompts heavenly worship (e.g. vs.20; 19:1-3).
Theophilus (2nd cent.) complained about theaters spectacles: “… lest our eyes & ears be defiled by participating in the utterances that are SUNG there. For if one should speak of cannibalism, in these spectacles the children of Thyestes & Tereus are eaten. And as for adultery, both in the case of men & of gods, whom they celebrate in elegant language for honors & prizes, this is made the subject of their dramas.” (180 A.D., 2:115).
Clement of Alexandria (150-215 A.D.) wrote: “The instructor will not bring us to public spectacles… the racecourse & the theater ‘the seat of plagues’ … they are full of indecent language, gossip…” (195 A.D., 2:289).
Tertullian (160-230 A.D.): “We renounce all your spectacles… the madness of the circus, the immodesty of the theater, the atrocities of the arena… the wrestling ground…” (197 A.D., 3:46);
“We do not go to your spectacles. As for the merchandise that is sold there, if I need them, I will obtain them more readily at their proper places.” (3:49).
I am writing this on Super Bowl Sunday, where two football teams “battle” it out for championship. This has been America’s greatest sport for decades & decades. I dare say there will be millions of Christians watching and wearing their favorite team’s shirts. Church folks will rush home to “watch” the “atrocities” of the football arena! It is reported that even D. Trump will be there in person. If churches don’t let out for SBS, then they bring in the Big Screens. Yep! Would we DARE call this sports idolatry? Would we DARE call other popular (worldly) sports, idolatry? I’m not the judge.
Tertullian continues: “Everyone (i.e., among the pagans) is ready with argument that all things, as we teach, were created by God & given to man for his use. Therefore, they must be good, since they all come from so good a source… therefore all (entertainments) are good…” (3:79);
“Fortified by this knowledge against pagan views, let us turn instead to the unworthy reasonings of our own people. Now, the faith of some is either too simple or too scrupulous…” (3:80);
“It will be made clear that the entire apparatus of the shows is based upon idolatry!” (3:81).
Do you suppose this man of God was right about entertainments?
“See, Christian, how many impure names have taken possession of the circus!… a sacred place that is inhabited by such multitudes of diabolic spirits.” (3:83);
“… performances… exhibitions… practiced… passed from the service of God into the employment of demons.” (3:83) WOW! Demons?
“… the theater was actually a temple of venus… it was because of this that the stage performances were allowed to escape censure. That is how they got a foothold in the world…” (3:84);
“Since all passionate excitement is forbidden to us… especially the circus… The spectators fly into rages, passions, arguments, & all kinds of things that they who are consecrated to peace should never indulge in…” (3:86);
“Are we not… commanded to put away from us all immodesty?… The very harlots, too, victims of the public lust, are brought upon the stage… shame!… Is it right to look on what it is disgraceful to do?… when they go in his eyer & ears?” (3:86,87).
What about water baptisms? What does God think when females wear their skimpy 2-piece bathing suits? This happened in Calif. many times (maybe it still goes on – we left the “Golden State” in 1989).
“… Tragedies & comedies are the bloody, wanton, impious, & licentious inventors of crimes & lusts… What you reject indeed, you are not to welcome in word.” (3:87);
“… in the streets, a man will either apprehend or scold a brawling fighter. However, in the arena, the same man gives complete encouragement to combats of a much more serious kind.” (3:88).
How many Christians are addicted to cage-fights, boxing et al. dangerous fightings?
Tertullian has many other quotes. I think we understand where he is coming from by now.
I now quote Mark M. Felix (2nd or 3rd cent.). In speaking to pagans, he had this to say: “We are evaluated by our character & our modesty. Therefore, for good reason, we abstain from evil pleasures, & from your pomp & exhibitions… who does not shudder at the madness of the people brawling among themselves? Who does not wince at the… murder in the gladiatorial games?…” (200 A.D., 4:196).
Part 3
“By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharoah’s daughter, because he preferred to endure the hardship of the people of God rather that enjoy the passing PLEASURES of sin.” Heb. 11:24,25, Amp. Bible. Other versions have “to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” Could any of us have this testimony today? Over the years we have been persecuted over the fact that we (as a community) did not indulge in the pleasures of the world. We did not have T.V. sets in our midst. Oh, my God! You would think we were devils!! We didn’t use Rock music for worship nor did we do what most Church folks did, we literally tried to be a dedicated, consecrated, separated people unto God. Yes! it was hard. Yes! we struggled. Even as I write this article I am convicted, for I have allowed things of the world to seep into my life. Not Big things but some things. What did Solomon write? “The little foxes that spoil the vines,” SOS 2:15. Scholars debate what is meant here. Some believe it to be reminiscent of an ancient fertility rite like the Roman Cerialia or Robigalia, with foxes figuring in the former & puppies in the latter. One ancient suggests that the vineyard may be the maiden & the little foxes the young men who lay siege to her. I believe the small foxes ate the grapes on the vine before they could be harvested. It is often the “little” things that spoil our relationship with Christ. Little things like attitudes, lust or desires that are contrary to the Word. We sneak-a-peek at the forbidden.
In keeping to my theme – music & the Church – I’ll continue to quote from the early Christians. Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.) writes: “Your [pagan] public assembles I have come to hate. For there are excessive banquets & subtle flutes that provoke people to lustful movements.” (160 A.D., 1:272). Hey, what about all this worldly music called “worship music” today. May as well be at a Rock concert. Who are the players playing for – God or the people acting like fools?
Irenaeus writes: “of such persons, too, the Spirit has spoken through Isaiah: ‘They drink wine with harps, tablets, psalteries, & flutes. However, they do not regard the works of God.” (180 A.D., 1:464).
Clement of Alexandria (again) says, “If people occupy their time with pipes, psalteries, choirs, dances, clapping… such disorderly frivolities, they become quite immodest… engrossed in idolatry… such instruments are to be banished from the temperate banquet…” (195 A.D., 2:248).
There are some Christian denominations that disallow instruments, saying that the N.T. does not make mention of them. Frankly, I see nothing evil with music/instruments in themselves – it is HOW they are used. I think the modern Church could stand a good “shake down,” to rid themselves of things that are offensive to the Holy Spirit. Yes, I know, one can play/sing like an angel & at the same time live like the DEVIL! Seen plenty of these over the years. Seen plenty of wolves acting like sheep as well – behind pulpits.
Clement wrote plenty about music/instruments, too much to quote. He was all in favor of godly music, he writes:
“Music, then, is to be studied for the sake of the embellishment & composure of manners… at a banquet, we pledge each other while the music is playing. By song, we soothe the eagerness of our desires, & we glorify God for the copious gift of human enjoyments… However, we must reject frivolous music which weakens men’s souls.” (195 A.D., 2:500).
The words “entertain” & “entertained” are the only 2 Gk. words found in the N.T. (e.g. Heb. 13:2, the same for both, Strong’s #5381 & #3579. But there are similar words/synonyms. Neither of the 2 above are related to music or entertainments: #5381 = hospitableness #3579 = lodge, be hospitable.
Back to the Church Fathers
Tertullian wrote about the theater & the arena: “… having the same procession to the scene of their display from temples & altars, & that mournful profusion of incense & blood, with music of pipes & trumpets.” (197 A.D., 3:84).
He continues: “What trumpet of God is now heard – unless it is in the entertainments of the heretics?” (210 A.D., 3:562);
“If (mercury) also first strung the chord to give forth melody, I will not deny when listening to David – that this invention has been in use with the saints & has ministered to God.” (211 A.D., 3:97).
Novatian (d.257 A.D.), formerly attributed to Cyprian (d.258 A.D.) wrote the following: “One imitates the hoarse, warlike clanging of the trumpet. Another with is breath blowing into a pipe regulates its mournful sounds… why should I speak of… those great tragic vocal ravings? Why should I speak of strings set vibrating with noise? Even if these things were not dedicated to idols, they should not be approached & gazed upon by faithful Christians.” (235 A.D., 5:578).
Cyprian wrote: “God also gave man a voice. Yet, love songs & indecent things are not to be sung merely on that account.” (250 A.D., 5:433);
“Satan presents to the eyes seductive themes & easy pleasures, by the sight of which he might destroy chastity. He tempts the ears with harmonious music, so that by the hearing of sweet sounds, he may relax & weaken Christain vigor.” (250 A.D., 5:491).
Yep! Satan has, in every generation, got many a believer to RELAX their vigilance (i.e. their habit of being in watchfulness). How many in this generation & in this hour are seduced, deceived, & destroyed? How many times does the Word tell us to WATCH, be/stay ALERT, for the devil seeks those whom he can devour? Yet, if some of us stay in this state of mind & heart, the backslidden Church will say we’re too religious, too extreme. The N.T. puts forth warnings & admonishings to “WATCH, STAND FAST in the faith, be BRAVE, be STRONG.” – 1 Cor. 16:13; “… be strengthened with MIGHT through His Spirit in the inner man,” Eph. 3:16; “… be STRONG in the Lord & in the POWER of His MIGHT; Eph. 6:10. Paul ends with “… being WATCHFUL… with all PERSEVERANCE…” vs.18.
I’ll end this article with a quote from Arnobius: “Did He send souls so that beings of a sacred & majestic race should practice singing & piping here? Did He send them so that they would swell up their cheeks in blowing the flute? Or, that they would take the lead in singing impure songs & raising the loud clamor of the castanets?” (305 A.D., 6:450).
Did Jesus have a Jewish rap or rock band playing “when they (Jesus’ disciples) had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.”? (Mt. 26:30).
My question is, why do churches permit & promote all these worldly amusements/entertainments? What happened to the days of fasting & prayer for individual believers themselves & for souls to find Christ? Why all the music (noise?). I am not saying music is evil but let’s face it, too much time (and money) is spent on entertaining the “saints”. Yes, I know, this seems just too prudish, too UN-Christian – after all, the “saints” got to have their FIX (entertainment drug!). Staying SOBER is out of the question. To do so, some might actually see their real spiritual condition & repent. And we can’t have a “saint” repenting… can we???