By: Gen. Deborah Green

PRAISE GOD. Welcome to this broadcast. The name of this message is, “I Will Execute Vengeance,” which is a fit title for God’s New Year’s declaration to us, which is that it is the time of His HOLY WAR.
Now, a few years back the Lord declared that it was the time for His war upon humankind because of sin, because of darkness, because of iniquity. But, He’s making us to know that the Holy War that He’s talking about is relative to His holiness; and God’s holiness is something that is meant to be cherished, that is meant to be followed, and that is meant to be served. In other words, WE ARE MEANT TO BE A HOLY PEOPLE BECAUSE HE IS THE HOLY GOD. And that means that there is no unrighteousness in Him, there is no filthiness, nor perversion, nor uncleanness, for He is the God who is pure, spotless and undefiled; He is the God who is holy.
And God desires a holy people, so that means that we don’t give ourselves over to the friendship, the fellowship with the world and the darkness of the same, but that we give ourselves totally to God; because it is God that we are meant to look to, it is God that we are meant to serve, and it is God that we are meant to obey.
Now, when we really consider how unrighteous, how unholy, how unclean the Church has become, and the world is worse than ever, no wonder God would declare a holy war—because He is desiring the restoration of His holiness—while there’s still hope for survival of this present world. Because if we do not return to the holiness of the Living God, He has every right to utterly destroy and eradicate the earth of the human factor. And you say, “Well, that sounds terrible.” Well, it is terrible, because the anger of God is a terrible thing to behold.
I mean if you’ve ever looked at the aftermath of an earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado, it is a terrible thing to behold—to realize how quickly that God’s vengeance and wrath revealed can bring to complete ruination and devastation what men and women have labored years, hours, days to build up. And yet when God is angry, He brings it totally down, and there’s nothing left except the heaps of rubble. And so it’s important that we be on the right side with God, it’s important that we walk with God, and believe in God, and trust God.
Now, the name of this message is, “I Will Execute Vengeance;” this is the declaration of the Lord. So, go with me to Micah chapter 5, I’ll read that verse first, and then we’ll go back to the beginning of the chapter. We’re going to begin in verse 10, “And in that day, says the Lord, I will cut off your horses [on which you depend]…” nowadays it would be your vehicles, “from among you and will destroy your chariots. And I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds.” So, here we see that God is giving them promises—for those of you who hold to the promises of God—He’s giving them promises of His wrath, of His vengeance, of His anger revealed.
And then it says, “I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds.” What is He talking about—strongholds? Demon infestation. Did you know that cities are full of demon powers because they congregate there in order to inhabit human bodies? And for those of you who think that there’s no life like the city life, that’s because of the demons that tell you that: that they can vex you, that they can torment you, that they can weasel their way into you, and live in you…that’s the consequence.
And He’s saying, “I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds. And I will cut off witchcrafts and sorceries from your hand, and you shall have no more soothsayers.” So in other words, ‘Your means of alternative spiritual empowerment are going to be taken away from you.’
There’s a lot of people nowadays, because of the witchcrafts, and the sorceries, and of course under the sorceries come such exciting things as your psychotropic medication, as your medical marijuana, and on, and on, and on. And He says, “I’m going to cut all that off from you, and you’re not going to have any more soothsayers.” So false prophets are going to be cut away from you.
And then it says, “Your carved images also I will cut off and your statues or pillars out of your midst, and you shall no more worship the work of your hands. And I will root out your Asherim [symbols of the goddess Asherah] and I will destroy your cities [the seats of false worship].” So there He’s back on the cities again.
And then it says, “And in anger and wrath I will EXECUTE VENGEANCE upon the nations which would not obey [vengeance such as they have not heard of before].” So there’s a promise of God waiting to be fulfilled. And that promise of His wrath revealed, of His Holy War against all of their idolatry, all of their abominations, all of their wickedness, IS GIVEN JUSTLY.
Now, whenever God gives the promise of vengeance and wrath to be revealed, those promises are justified because of the misbehavior, the misconduct, the out and out rebellion against God. And He said that He’s going to bring that vengeance that He’s going to execute upon the nations. And He’s going to do that because why? Because it says, “upon the nations which would not obey.”
So, when any nation chooses disobedience, they are inviting to themselves the vengeance of the Living God. Say, “Well, how can you say that God governs the nations that don’t even know Him?” LISTEN, GOD GOVERNS THE ENTIRE EARTH, ULTIMATELY. He allows wickedness to reign as punishment, He allows people to be under the cruelty, and the oppression of false religion, as punishment, but nonetheless, God reigns supreme, those powers do not reign supreme.
Now, the Islamic faith believes they’re going to zenith to world conquest in these times. I don’t believe that God’s going to allow that, I do believe that He’s going to allow the Islamic sword to rule in places where it has previously not reigned because of the backsliding of His own people, and because of the refusal of the nations that once obeyed God to obey God. But I do not believe that any earthly power is going to rule over the whole earth, because wherever God has a faithful and true remnant, the Lord will remain to give the way of righteousness.
Now, beginning here in Micah chapter 5, verse 1 it says, “NOW GATHER yourself in troops, O daughter of troops; a state of siege has been placed against us.” So, we’re going to find out what this is, “They shall smite the ruler of Israel with a rod (a scepter) on the cheek. But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, you are little to be considered among the clans of Judah; [yet] out of you shall One come forth for Me Who is to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old, from ancient days (eternity). Therefore shall He give them up until the time that she who travails has brought forth; then what is left of His brethren shall return to the children of Israel.” So, it’s giving us a prediction of a time of better rule by the One that we all serve even now—Jesus Christ the Lord.
And then it goes on and it says, “And He shall stand and feed His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God; and they shall dwell [secure].” Now, that is a promise for those of us who believe upon Him—that we shall dwell secure.
Now you know, the apostle Paul, he gave us a good insight because you know those early apostles, they faced imprisonment, they faced hunger, they faced shipwrecks, they faced all manner of evil coming upon them for the Gospel’s sake, and they faced the uncertain certainty of death—that at any moment they could be confiscated by angry mobs, by angry Jews, by hysterical pagans and put to death. And he said, “Whether we’re here, or whether we’re there, what matters is that we’re with the Lord.” And so that’s a mindset that will keep us in the security of the Lord because the Bible tells us in Colossians (3:3) that our, “life is hid with Christ in God.”
Our life is not this physical body—the fact that our lungs still work, the fact that our heart’s still pumping, that blood is still going through our veins, that we can still walk or talk. No, OUR LIFE, OUR ETERNAL LIFE, THE THING THAT WE LABOR FOR, THE THING THAT WE DESIRE, IS HID WITH CHRIST IN GOD. So we have that security—that when we are believing upon Him, and trusting in Him, we are kept in Him. And then the devil will come along and say, “Well, what about all the martyrs?”
By the way I read a letter that came in that was in Spanish, but the fellow was saying that in 2016, Christians every six minutes were put to death for their faith. And most of the death came at the hands of Islamic terrorists.
So, are those Christians just dead bodies, mutilated bodies, corpses paraded around by these madmen terrorists who are nothing but demonic embodiments? No, those Christians are glorified in the presence of the Living God because they gave their lives for their faith in Him. They did not recant, they did not turn back, they did not say, “Ok, we’ll believe in Allah.” They said, “WE BELIEVE IN JESUS;” they lost their lives for that belief, and they are counted worthy of the lamb.
So, we can say, “What a tragedy” if we look at it only from the perspective of the carnal, or we can say, “What a wonderful, glorious thing that God has received them unto Himself.” Now, we need to alter our thinking because otherwise we identify merely with the carnal rather than the spiritual. Am I saying that it is wonderful to be put to death at the hand of Islamic terrorists? No, I’M SAYING IT IS WONDERFUL TO BE SECURE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD, that there’s no more journey upon this earth, but that they are sealed in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.
So, it’s saying, “And He shall stand and feed His flock,” that’s Jesus, “in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God; and they shall dwell [secure], for then shall He be great [even] to the ends of the earth. And this [One] shall be our peace.” Now, what did we learn when we studied the chapter in Deuteronomy? That He offered to the nations His peace, to the cities His peace, that He offered to them the privilege to come under the mercy covering before the devastation, before the ruination—if they would accept that offer, then they would know His peace. SEE, THE GREATEST PEACE THAT WE CAN SECURE WHILE BEING UPON THIS EARTH IS TO BE UNDER JESUS CHRIST AS LORD AND SAVIOR.
So, going from there it says, “When the Assyrian comes into our land and treads upon our soil and in our palaces, then will we raise against him seven shepherds and eight princes among men. And they shall rule and waste the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod within her [Assyria’s own] gates. Thus shall He [the Messiah] deliver us from the Assyrian [representing the opposing powers] when he comes into our land and when he treads on our borders.”
So, we’re seeing that it says “the Messiah will deliver us,” and that’s what we hope for in the days of evil, that’s what we hope for when the powers of darkness, as exemplified or are given as an example, as the Assyrians come.
Now, we are a land that has been invaded by demon forces, to a greater extent than has ever been in the history of the nation—in the sense that the Christians stopped standing for Christ. They went under the yoke of government control. The government turned, and is still turning from the standard of God, proclaiming the good to be evil, and the evil to be good, declaring that even children in preschool and kindergarten MUST be educated in perversion, must be shown things that corrupt and influence their young minds to become reprobate sinners, when they’re at an age of great impression, when they’re highly moldable, they’re put into the hands of crooks, criminals, perverts, deviates, and molded to become just that.
And that is the government’s rule, its dictate, its law. And Christians are sued in the corrupted courts out of existence by those who are full of unjust wickedness and demanding their rights, and refusing even business owners the right to refuse service; and they’re claiming it’s all persecution of the perverts—because they’re perverts. So the law stands with the wicked rather than the just. So there’s obvious indication that the land is covered by the Assyrian, the Jezebelian rule. In other words, that darkness, that iniquity, that corruption.
But it says He will deliver us! So what do we do? WE BELIEVE UPON OUR GOD, WE TRUST IN OUR GOD, WE KNOW THAT HE’S ABLE. See, the devil loves to defeat Christians by despair, “What’s the use? Give up! There’s no hope.” He’s a liar; there’s always hope when we know Jesus. And when we keep looking to Jesus, He is the author, the finisher, He is the beginning and the end, and He is the One that we can believe upon, trust and obey, because He is the One who is our life. Our life is not in obedience to the laws of men, even though some compromised Christians have made it appear that way, our life is in obedience unto God. It didn’t say those nations were going to be destroyed because they disobeyed their own rules, it said they were going to be destroyed because they obeyed God. So we see that that’s where destruction comes—disobedience unto God.
Ok, going on, it says, “And they shall rule and waste the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod,” we read that. Then it says, “Then,” in verse 7, “the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord.” So, in other words, when the believers are full of the presence of God, they are the living stones, they are the living bread, they are the lights unto a sin-sick world.
So, are we supposed to take on the attributes of the world, are we supposed to behave like the world that we can win the world? NO! That is a deception out of Hell. We are meant to be filled with the presence of God that we are like dew, in other words, that freshness, that moisture, that life, that substance that’s alive.
And it says that, “Then the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers upon the grass which [come suddenly and] tarry not for man nor wait for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations in the midst of many peoples like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion [suddenly appearing] among the flocks of sheep which, when it goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and there is no deliverer.”
So, what is this that we’re seeing through this remnant of Judah that God is going to manifest power upon? He says it’s going to be like a lion that goes into their flocks? Is it flocks of sheep submitted to God? NO! It’s flocks of demons, it’s flocks of those who are following the Assyrian, the Jezebelian, the dictates of iniquity and corruption. And the TRUTH that is found in this remnant of Judah, the holiness that is inside of them because they are faithful unto God is going to disrupt completely the Assyrian rule.
See, that’s the kind of condition this land is in—the Jezebelian domain where they practice their witchcraft, their serpentine control, their sorceries, their idolatries, their abominations, their perversions; they think it is secure. They think they have their little flocks of iniquity all under control and everything is fine. And what is the Scripture saying? It’s saying that remnant of Judah is going to go forth, and they’re going to be DIFFERENT than the peoples that are all about. And why are they different? Because of the PRESENCE OF GOD.
And it also says that they shall be, “like a young lion [suddenly appearing] among the flocks of sheep which, when it goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and there is no deliverer.” So, in other words, when God puts forth His holy anger, in His holy war declared, when He says He executes His vengeance, it’s upon the wicked, it’s upon the ones who have chosen to be ruled by that uncleanness, that filthiness, that perversion, rather than be ruled by God. And nobody’s going to be able to deliver them from the vengeance of God.
Then it goes on and it says, “Your hand will be lifted up above your adversaries, and all your enemies shall be cut off. And in that day, says the Lord, I will cut off your horses [on which you depend] from among you and will destroy your chariots. And I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds.”
So, God is saying to the invaded land, to the land that has been taken over by the Assyrians, by wickedness, by Jezebel, by darkness, by evil, that “I will do these things!” So, that is a declaration of God’s Holy War, OF GOD’S HOLY WAR, because God is jealous for His own holiness, for His own righteousness.
And He says, “Ok, these are the things that I will do to you.” Now, you notice when it was talking about Jacob, it says, “the remnant of Jacob, THE REMNANT OF JACOB!,” it didn’t say ALL of Jacob, it didn’t say “all Churchites will be safe.” It doesn’t say that, IT’S TALKING ABOUT THE ONES WHO KEEP THEMSELVES IN THE LORD, ARE THE ONES WHO ARE KEPT BY THE LORD.
And then it says, “And I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds,” strongholds of idolatry, strongholds of sin, strongholds of wickedness, strongholds of darkness, strongholds of perversion, strongholds of pedophilia, on, and on, and on, “I will do it. I will bring it down;” that’s the Lord giving His declaration of His Holy War, HIS DECLARATION OF HIS HOLY WAR.
It’s not a new thing, God has done it again, and again, and again. And He knows full well that multitudes of those who claimed they were His sided with demons, sided with unrighteousness, sided with the Assyrians. I mean when you really get down to it, the Jews sided, and even coerced the Romans to put the lamb of God to death. So, they were betrayers of God, and they coerced the heathen to kill their Messiah, to murder Him, to put Him on the Cross. So, you can see that demon spirit that was alive in them back then, is alive now.
Like my husband and I were discussing, the greatest enemies of God’s move are the Christians—so-called. They are the greatest enemies of what God is bringing forth, of what God declares, and what God is doing, and they are also the greatest enemies of the remnant of Jacob, that God will use.
And then it says, going on, “And I will cut off the cities.” Then He says, “And I will cut off witchcrafts and sorceries from your hand.” So, the sword of his Spirit is going forth, “and you shall have no more soothsayers.” So, who are the greatest adherents to these soothsayers, these false prophets, these liars? It’s the so-called ‘Christians.’ They’ll run like rats to go hear a liar give them lies, and they will shun the truth and the true prophets.
“Your carved images also I will cut off and your statues or pillars out of your midst, and you shall no more worship the work of your hands.” In other words, all your idolatry symbols are going to be brought down by God.
And it says, “And I will root out your Asherim [symbols of the goddess Asherah].” Did you know that there are symbols of the goddess Asherah in this country? And did you know that there are people who follow Asherah as their goddess? There are—if you knew the workings of the New Age Movement, you would realize these ancient demons have been brought into their midst and control them.
“And I will destroy your cities [the seats of false worship]. And in anger and wrath I will execute vengeance upon the nations which would not obey [vengeance such as they have not heard of before].” So, what do we see? We see the declaration, the foretelling, the indication of the vindication of God’s Holy War. Amen.