By: Gen. Jim – 8/14/24

“Do not take (lit. “drag”) me away with the wicked & with the workers of iniquity, who speak peace to their neighbors, but EVIL is in their hearts.” – Ps. 28:3, NKJV.
The Spirit of God has been speaking alot lately about the horrid condition of this nation (USA) & the world in general.
With the 2024 presidential election coming up, the airwaves are filled with rants, promises, lies, mis/dis-information, propaganda blah, blah, blah. Truly amazing. Former president Donald Trump & his VP pick, J.D. Vance are raising HELL against the sick, sleazy, sordid dem party and the two liars/frauds that form the head – Prez. J. Biden & VP K. Harris (who now claims she is Black, disowning her East Indian heritage entirely).
I’m not going to give my opinions here, but the Spirit of God is not silent, no sir! He is very much in a “talking mood,” at least to us here (see & Words of the Spirit.Net).
Psalm 28:3 means, “let me not be involved in the punishment of the wicked” – for the LORD will DRAG the wicked into the courtroom of God, to be judged, sentenced & punished! Verse 5 says “He shall DESTROY them, & not build them up.” This is a remarkable prophecy, & was literally fulfilled: the Babylonian empire left in ruins.
The principle applies to our day – God is going to drag the wicked into His courtroom where they – in His time – will face Him. He will give them according to their deeds, & according to the wickedness of their endeavors. He will give them after the work of their (deceitful/sinful) hands. Some will face this in this lifetime; others in the life to come – BUT their punishments WILL COME!!!
I get so sick hearing the dems talk about doing good for “the people” (USA), all the while they know they are LYING like demons. They don’t give a hoot about the American people, they only care about THEMSELVES.
How much EVIL/WICKEDNESS are the politicians et al. willing to do in the name of “RIGHT?” HA! Right? Why righteousness scares the devil out of them, well not really, but wish it would!
During this time (2024) we hear terrible news from breakfast to bed, spewed forth by the “fake news” outlets. Their lies never end. They have zero (or nearly that) honesty, morality. Some of their reporters & the ones they support (like JB/KH et al.) have the I.Q. of dumb dogs. They proudly espouse that they want to see the first woman president while they can’t define what a “woman” is! Duh!!!
One alert person calls America a “Sh*t Culture.” Got that right. Transgenders/transmogrifying “SC”!!!
Back in the 1980s, we were telling (preaching/teaching) the people of America/Amerika that it would come to this. Oh, we were quickly branded as domestic terrorists, hate mongers, alarmists, homophobic etc., etc. (go back & listen to our very early radio/videos messages, cassettes). We talked about the culture of the U.S. & how it was decomposing. We talked about the church, state, & family – going to HELL & going FAST! The decomposing afterbirth, the stinking rotting corpse called the “church.” We talked about being arrested for misgendering, for telling truth over lies. God told us back then that He was going to plague the gays with a disease; a killing disease – HIV/AIDS came shortly after He told us this.
This killer plague/disease/sickness is still in operation – only not talked about. Now we have “drag queens” & other LGBTQ+ sickos flaunting their “sexual freedoms” in God’s face (and ours), while they have stolen the month of June (heterosexual’s month for marriage) for their perversion month: they have stolen God’s rainbow (a promise) to be their “fag flag.”
What we are witnessing here in Amerika is a “CC,” i.e. “controlled collapse.” This “apocalypse gender” BS is destroying God’s plan-for-man: “He created them male & female, & blessed them & called them mankind in the day they were created.” – Gen. 5:2, NKJV. Gen. 1:27 states the same: “He created him, ‘male & female He created them.’” God went on to tell the man/woman, “Be fruitful & multiply…” -vs.28. Don’t shove your PC BS off on me that God created a trans.
You go ahead and live in your “sh*t culture”, I’ll live in God’s culture, thank you very much! Peace, Peace, Peace! How long are we going to hear this coming from the DP/Left? The “peace” they have in mind is when we of the opposing camp agree with them & their disgusting, damning agendas. It will never happen!
David prayed, “Draw (or drag) me not away with the wicked, & with the workers of iniquity, which speak PEACE to their neighbor, but mischief is in their hearts.”
The psalmist in Psalms 10:9 speaks of the “wicked,” like a lion, waiting to catch the poor (in spirit), but the psalmist prays, “Break thou the arm of the wicked & the evil man…” vs.15. We need to pray daily that God will break the “death hold” upon this nation that the democratic, aka demon-cratic party has upon it.
Again, the psalmist prays, “Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men,” – Ps. 26:9. We have godless men /women in high & low positions in this nation – full of evil. Treason & treachery are everywhere. They are just waiting to snap-the-trap upon any and all that are careless & trusting. Hey! Don’t trust them, even some in the GOP camp. They say “Trust us.” HA! I say “I can’t trust LIARS & DECEIVERS! They can’t wait to lure you & me into their web of deceit, so as to poison us against God & His true people.
Vv.3-5 is the psalmist’s prayer against his enemies. We, dear readers, have such evil enemies preying upon this nation, cannibalistic communists, devouring whole families. These, my dear readers, are national criminals under the SPELL of the White House – aka Pink House, aka House of Ill Repute – & those who are under the SPELL of the Deep State that control the White House cartel.
While these demo-RATS speak of “peace,” they themselves are full of unrest & HELL! With the church gone WOKE & has been emasculated, little help is forth coming from their camp. (there are exceptions). These perverters of the law boast that they are keepers of the law. HA! Their law is lawlessness. Period!
It is socially essential that we, as God’s Warriors for Righteousness, demand them to abide by God’s eternal law. It is time to stand firm upon the Rock of Ages: Watch God as He will “snap the trap” upon the wicked.
The following Words of the Spirit (given 8/14/24 by my wife, Deborah Green) is a reminder that God will not tolerate lawlessness forever. For the complete Word go to:
“I speak unto you this day and I say that this is the time that I the Living God will snap the traps on the wicked that they have set for My people. For while they boast of how great they are and believe in their own schemes and plots, they will be taken and held in captivity by their own traps. Be aware that I the Living God do see the evil that these ones are committing, and they do not get by. When it is My time to overthrow the wicked, I will do so with power that no one can stop.
Do not be concerned with the personal suffering of the evil doers for they have brought extreme sufferings to those who have stood for Me and done as I desired them to do. When it seems as though life is no longer worth living for the righteous, it is Me the Living God who will give them My mercies and My goodness. I will bring down My wrath, fury and indignation upon those who have imagined that they can go on forever and never pay for the evil they have done.
Because of the cannibalistic communism that the leaders of this nation are involved in, they will devour one another when I apply My pressure against them. This is because there is no loyalty or faithfulness among them, and they are the ones who have chosen in outright rebellion against Me. They have made their choices to rebel against all that is righteous and to live in that which is vile and full of evil. This is because their minds are under the coverings of demons and they are trusting in lies, rather than the truth.
Such men and women as these are utter fools for they are trusting in the demons that direct them and believing every lie and demonized direction that they receive. Literally they are the living embodiment of bi-polar individuals who are elevated one moment and depressed the next. They fluctuate between fake love to outright hatred and their moods can swing from one extreme to another with no reason evident for the radical shift. Those who have been in situations with them will declare that they assume characteristics that fluctuate between charismatic compassion and raging cursing demanding cruelty for anyone who dares declare Me. Their behaviors are insane because they have allowed themselves to be possessed by demon spirits in their never-ending thirst for power. Yet, because these people are blinded by their own pride and self-esteem they cannot tolerate any one who dares to differ with them.
Why is that such ones have gained power over nations in these times? It is because the majority of those who have made claim that they are “Christians” are in reality cowards?”