By: Gen Jim – 11-1-24

It is TIME, PAST TIME to make common sense common again! Yep! It is TIME for Counter REVOLUTION against the vanity of Insanity. The democratic party is irrelevant, has been for a long, long time. The time for UNwoke articulation has arrived. The nation of America has spoken, AWAY with all this DEMONcratic BS – Flush! Flush! Flush!
We’re all sick, SICK!!!, of all their racist/ misogynistic/ homophobic/ DEI insanity/ defamation of character/ “creepy Oprah, singers/swingers Taylor Swift/Beyonce and other “stars” who endorsed K. Harris for POTUS – the WORSE EVER to run her side-kick Tampon Tim or V.P.!!!” Away with these oversexed icons who hate America, Prez D. Trump, Christians, patriots/vets.
Oooooh!!! Dems are Big Mad! These poor lost souls are BLIND with their eyes wide open. Over the past 4 painful years, under the Biden/Harris commie regime, we’ve had to endure their spiteful, hateful godless, fearmongering about Trump: BAD man ORANGE!!! The liberal wasteland, called Washington D.C., has given birth to more & more swamp serpents than one can count… as the fake media spews out the DP/Left’s propaganda nationwide.
Take a good look at the dems in total meltdown mode (mostly female (but what is a female or woman?), These screeching, foaming-at-the-mouth lefties are nothing short of INSANE. Some have called for Trump’s death, hoping that an assassin will come forward to do the grisly deed.
Grow up cry babies!
Get a life!
Get some common sense & morals!
Get “mental illness” treatment!
And you celebs who think your SH*T does not stink, need to realize you are sooo fake. You play parts of other people. You’re not real!
Is Trump perfect? NO! Is the Republican party the right party? It is concerning the issues at hand. Certainly not the DEMONcratic party. I worship neither man or party, only the Lord Jesus Christ.
With Trump’s win, this will not stop or even slow down the BLAME GAME of the Left. Is there a med for such madness? There is a “pill,” the “Gos-pill” aka “Gospel” – will cure your ills if taken.
I am 79 & have been in God’s service since Dec. 6, 1971. His grace has kept me & my family through the fires of hell-on-earth. I’ve seen what communism (& radical Islam & Babylonian Churchianity) has done. Seen my share of death & destruction as we’ve waged the good warfare for Jesus Christ the King. Now we are seeing the making of a second Civil War. Now we have to deal with these freaking crazies who refuse to change their own dirty pink, pampers. Grow up please! Give your life to Jesus & find some joy in your lives.
The singers, swingers, & sickos believe they are gods & goddesses. Good for them. Most Americans don’t see it this way. Celebrity endorsements helped FIRE Kamala Commie Harris from becoming the next U.S. Prez. Thank you, celebs! A PAID endorsement is NOT an endorsement. Period! It is a BRIBE!
Stars like Robert De Niro (screen), Bruce Springsteen (singer), The Avengers (screen), Eminem, Julia Roberts, George Clooney (movie “stars”), Lady Gaga (singer), Beyoncé (dancer/singer), Taylor Swift (Diddy lover?) etc. helped poor little “Black” Kamala to sway the U.S. voters her way. These “artists” are the problem not the solution.
Hey, we can & we will live without them. These insufferable lecturers (do as I say, not as I do!) have just become irrelevant. Can I hear a BIG AMEN? Their whole existence now SUCKS, as one critic put it. Yep! So true, what can these “stars” tell us about morals, going without, humility etc., etc.? What they love most is THEMSELVES, cashing their cheques & lots & lots of praise from their fans. These aging used & abused “stars” are totally out of step with MOST of Americans. They have virtually nothing to say about anything that counts in life. Their lives are entertainment. Well, let it be said, the curtain has come down on Hollyweird. Stage & cinema stink. Flush, Flush, Flush!
As we know most of these “artist” do not write their own songs or the actors/actresses don’t write their scripts, – they act the scenes other people have written. What makes them so great? (There are exceptions of course).
America, by voting against Harris, showed just how sick they are of this female commie. (what is a woman???) Her life is not any role model to follow. Have you seen Hollywood lately? Filthy. Crumbling. Disgusting. Queen Latifah, Megan Thee Stallion (really perverted!), J-Lo etc. don’t give a darn about politics – they did it for $$ honey. These dazzling darlings & strutting studs are history – their magic & mystique GONE BYE, BYE. The whole entertainment industry is overflowing (like crap in a toilet) with immoral crazies.
Stupid is as stupid does. The whole entertainment industry & the political Swamp needs to dry up. Maybe, just maybe, the Trump team may be able to salvage America. I put my trust in God not country. But since I live in country, I want to see it redeemed out of the hand of the Demon-cratic party, out of the hands of the Woke Folk & the LGBTQ+ souls who are determined to make us privy to their crimes, sins, & abomination. Thanks, but no thanks. Nuff said. Let’s get on with making America Great Again… Making America Sane Again.
Down with Tinseltown! The End.