By: Gen. Jim – 7/1/24

Erwin Schrodinger wrote in his book What is Life the following:
“A scientist is suppose to have a complete and thorough knowledge, at first hand, of some subjects and, therefore, in usually expected not to write on any topic of which he is not a master. This is regarded as a matter of noblesse oblige. For the present purpose I beg to renounce the noblesse, if any, and to be freed of the ensuing obligation.” (Cambridge University Press., 1944).
This quote was written a year before I was born.
Well, for the record, I feel the same way about writing about demonology. I’m no expert on the subject but I do not need a degree or two or three in order to make the unknown known.
The Holy Bible has a fair share about demons and the sphere they live in and operate out of. Witchcraft and the occult is written in Scripture for our knowledge. The belief in the supernatural – good or evil – is universal.
The Holy Spirit has spoken to me to write more on this subject. I see why. The world is being taken over by evil forces more and more with each passing day.
The Holy Spirit spoke (prophetically) on June 5th, 2024 that werewolves were in the White House. This may shock many, even be denied as true, but it does not shock me (us). We’ve dealt with demons personally over the years. We’ve seen them operate in human beings, heard them speak and seen their destructive deeds in both people and places.
After this word was given to us, someone sent us a book called Skin-walkers at the Pentagon (written by J.T. Lacatzki, Colm A. Kelleher, and George Knapp, published/copyrighted 2021 (the book released June 8, 2024). I know of the 2nd and 3rd author by watching series on Skin-walkers Ranch on T.V. while in prison (August 2017 – May 2023). You may want to read this book’s account of the U.S. government’s finding: unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) aka UFOs (Foreword by Senator Harry Reid).
It was Albert Einstein who wrote: “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.”
He was speaking of the cosmos. But likewise, we should not shy away from wanting to know why and how the demonic exists and operates – seeing demons affect the whole of humankind. Why are people diseased, plagued with evil things, hexed, vexed, cursed? This is not the work of God but of the “god” of this world. John 12:31 calls satan “the prince of this world” (KJV). He is called “archon” in Greek or “archo,” meaning “to commence (in order of time), first (in rank or power), chief (ruler of evil).
On the opposite side we find Jesus being called “the Prince of Peace” in Isaiah 9:6; Acts 5:31 tells us Jesus is called “Prince and Savior”: satan kills; Jesus saves and heals!
While Skinwalkers at the Pentagon does not deal with demons per se, it does deal with unexplained evil, both in the spirit and in the U.S. government itself. UFO sightings, animal mutilations, electromagnetic anomalies, gamma radiation, sensed or perceived presence (demons?), luminous orb-like lights, etc., etc.
George Knapp has reported that he did not know with whom they were communicating, dis-incarnate entities, i.e., non-human entities, aka ETS. Who knows?
The question is asked, are ETS demons or beings from other planets? They could be actual demons or something God created or has known about and man just finding out about. What some have come to believe – the ones who have devoted their life to finding answers – that mere earthly reason should be able to form any rational or precise conjecture concerning the “spirit world.” Others disagree. They think it is impossible to know.
When we speak of a ghost or spirit (aside from using the word “demon” or “devil”) we speak of organ-less spirits.
The abstract idea of a “spirit” or “ghost” certainly implies that it has neither substance or human faculties. People (ourselves) have seen into the spirit world and seen such things that had a voice and shape, but not bone and flesh. Are they spirits of men/women who have passed? Not actual demons, but souls/spirits of departed humans.
If the people who have been delivered from the captivity of satan’s world, have been made ALIVE who had been DEAD in trespasses and sins, would become enthusiastic for the kingdom of Light, Love, and Life, we would see a better today and a better tomorrow.
Today’s backslidden church has an epileptic fit when the subject of demons comes up. Why so? Jesus did not remain silent about demons – He cast them out! Could it be that most church goers have them working in their lives? Many also believe that healing and deliverance have passed away. Really? When? Yet these same “unbelievers” will spend tons of $$ on meds, doctors, psychs, hoping to get a cure. Pastors teach sermon after sermon on God’s love but isn’t His love demonstrated by healing the sick, diseased, depressed/oppressed?
Doesn’t the bible say “these signs will follow those who believe: In My (Jesus’) name they will (not can’t!) CAST OUT DEMONS…” (Mark 16:17). And He went on to say with assurety “they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (v.18).
The church has made an idol/icon out of the cross, yet the cross represents DEATH to evil that tries to destroy us as believers. We’re all assailed by demons in one form or another but we can apply His blood over our bodies and spirits, hence, devils will flee.
In spite of our weakness (at times) we can call upon His name (Jesus) to regain strength. We can, as believers, be free from addictions, seductions, abominations, spells, delusions, witchcraft, etc. Maybe not instantly but eventually. When we first went to Mexico (in a witchcraft area), I was assailed day and night for 6 months, I didn’t’ think I would live thru these demonic attacks. But slowly the Holy Spirit strengthened me and I was able to rise above these repeated attacks. I saw my wife come under heavy witchcraft attacks where she trembled and vomited for weeks. Finally the Spirit prevailed and she was healed and set free.
There were times in our lives that death would be a relief to the day-after-day attacks. Sooner or later, after heavy shelling from the BIG GUNS of satan, triumphant, feeling of security, the feeling of being safe and sane floods us.
In this walk and war, difficulties, trials, and tribulations will be bitting at our heels as we march forward. We’ve got to BE and REMAIN adamant against the satanic cosmos.
Satan’s relentless condemnation exhausts most believers – if they even try to contend for their faith. The devil just loves lukewarm, pukewarm believers. What he hates are those who are ON FIRE, burning with holy zeal. How sad to see believers cower in fear of the enemy.
Don’t be fooled. Not believing in what I’m writing does not make it untrue. Meetings, conversations, sermons, lectures, appeals, imprecations are good but do not neglect “action to revolution,” overthrowing of the negative in our lives and the establishing of the positive.
Passion for reform, revival of revolution is terribly lacking in today’s church. These need to come back. It is time to RAISE HELL against HELL!!! The devil and his demons have not kicked down our church doors. No! The church has opened up its doors to Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you actually think this is what we are suppose to do? Yes, we open the doors for sinners to come in to seek and find eternal salvation, but we do not permit sinners to continue on there, in their sins. It is time to say NO to the world.
Over the years we’ve been accused of being too involved, to attracted to darkness rather than light. The truth is the world of darkness needs the light of the gospel shown upon it. Too many, and I mean TOO MANY believers are IGNORANT of satan’s workings within the body of Christ. They claim we give too much attention to satan/demons and not enough to God. This is far from being true. Read our thousands of articles and watch our DVDs, see if this is true. We do delve into the dark side of things because the church refuses to do so.
FYI: Matthew 4:10; 12:26; 16:23; Mark 1:13; 3:23,26; 4:15; 8:33; Luke 4:8; 10:18; 11:18; 13:16; 22:3,31; John 13:27; Acts 5:3; 26:18; Romans 16:20; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 7:5; 2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:14; 12:7; 1 Thessalonians 2:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:9; 1 Timothy 1:20; 5:15; Revelations 2:9; 2:13,24; 3:9; 12:9; 20:2,7.
These are Scriptures on satan, take 2 Corinthians 2:11 for example: “Lest satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices” (NKJV). Two key words: “advantage” and “devices.” Paul was AWARE of how the devil works, he uses “devices” to take “advantage” of believers.
Advantage: Greek, pleonekteo = “to overreach, defraud, make gain.”
Devices: Greek, noema = “a perception, i.e. purpose, intellect, disposition, thought(s);” from noieo = “to exercise the mind, perceive, think, understand.”
It is obvious that Paul knew satan worked against one’s mind, to control ones’ thoughts etc. We would call this mind control (MKULTRA) or brainwashing. This is exactly the case I present to you: satan has convinced many in Christ that we need not look at the bad and ugly, only the good, hence, he goes about (as a roaring lion seeking whom he may DEVOUR!). Jesus certainly did not avoid the evil, the demon activities of His day. No! He attacked them. He taught the truth concerning them. People, read you Bible!
Satan has got today’s church in “slumber land” concerning himself.
One of his greatest and most powerful “devices” is FEAR! “Oh, we can’t speak against the devil, for he will attack us!” So goes the mind set. Well, I’ve got bad news for you, you’ve been beat down by fear already. The infectious character of FEAR covers the land. The modern church has a deranged imagination that if it leaves satan alone, he will leave the church alone. Well, sadly, it doesn’t work this way. The church has a morbid degree of insensibility, inflammation disorder of the brain, a concomitant also of highly excited, nervous instability if told the TRUTH about the devices of satan.
What did Paul ask the Galatians in his epistle to them?
“O foolish Galatians! Who has BEWITCHED you that you should not obey the truth…?”
My point? My point is that believers CAN be BEWITCHED, vexed, hexed, cursed! If this is not true why is the church so full of the devil today?
Paul makes it clear that believers CAN be BEWITCHED when they get their eyes off the cross and onto the world. Satan whispers in the ear that cross-centerness is not necessary, for you are saved and you’ll never lose your salvation. Liar! Big LIAR! Stupid Christians! Your power of perception has been darkened by satan.
[FYI: On the papyri the verb “slander,” “envy,” and “bewitch” is employed in manipulating charms against “the evil eye.” Paul uses the word “bewitch” (fig.) meaning “pervert,” “confuse,” “lead astray,” as if man’s perennial quest for cheap and easy salvation were not sufficient to victimize the Galatians without the aid of a pied piper of Homelin.]
The Greek word for “bewitch is “baskaino” = malign, i.e. to fascinate (by false representations.).
Take the current state of (vile) affairs in church la la land. The LGBTQ plus has become a fascination. This is BEWITCHMENT!!! The same goes for the “prosperity” movement; fascinated with wealth, stuff-and-things.
Satan has bewitched the church with materialism, idealism, pretentious secularism, even political wranglings. The church has adopted many gods and goddesses over the centuries – pantheism, communism/socialism et al.
Political and economic freedoms have replaced being free (and staying free!) in Christ Jesus.
Paul asked, “Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3). Paul was telling them that satan had fascinated them with lies – they are being led blindly and unresistingly on to their own destruction.
It was the Spirit that brought them into reconciliation with God, not the flesh. It was the Spirit that brought about remission of sins, and incorporation with the family of God. It is time, past time to take stock of our spiritual condition. Are we “bewitched” or “true believers?”