By: Gen. Jim – 2/11/25

Actually, the Bible has lots to say about D/D. Take the word “dream” (Heb. “chalôm”, from “chêlem”), mentioned 67 times in the O.T., e.g. Gen., Num., Judg., 1 Kgs., Job, Ps., Eccl., Isa., Jer., Dan., & Joel;
Matt. & Acts mentions “dream” 7 times; “dreamed”, found in Gen. Judg., Jer., & Dan.; “dreamer”, found in Gen. & Deut.; “dreamers”, found in Jer. & Jude; “dreameth”, found in Isa.; “dreams”, found in Gen., Deut., 1 Sam., Job, Eccl., Jer., Dan., Joel, Zech., Acts.
The Gk. words for “dream” is (1) “enupniazomai”/(2) “enupnion”, meaning a vision in a dream. “… your old men shall dream dreams.” – Acts 2:17, the Gk. word is the first above. However, Matt. 1:20; 2:12,13,19,22, & 27:19 use a different Gk. word – “onar”.
To Begin
“Likewise, also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, & speak evil of dignitaries,” (lit., “glorious ones”/ “glories”), Jude 8, NKJV.
Peter mentions those too who “walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness & despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries,” 2 Pet. 2:10, NKJV.
It was believed in the ancient world, most persons believed that dreams were caused by the wandering of the soul/spirit while the body was sleeping. Tertullian wrote: “I will go further & say that the soul does not even fall into sleep along with, the body, nor does it even lie down in rest with its companion. For it is agitated in dreams.” (210 A.D., 3:558). Of course he was speaking strictly of dreams, i.e. visions while sleeping, not the way Peter/Jude uses the word. Jude 8 uses the words “filthy dreamers,” meaning false teachers & their followers were as unbelieving & disobedient as the Israelites in the wilderness, as rebellious against the authority of God as the fallen angels, & as impure & unholy as the Sodomites; & that consequently they must expect similar punishment.
One Bible scholar (Greek) has stated that translators, by rendering ενυπνιάζομενοι “filthy dreamers,” seems to have understood Jude to mean: “les pollutions nocturnes et voluntaries de ces hommes impurs, qui se livrent sons scrupule à toutes sortes dés pensées; et salissant leur imagination par la vûe de toutes sortesd’ objets, tombent ensuite dans les corruptions honteuses et criminelles.” In English, self-pollution, with all its train of curses & cursed effects on body, soul, & spirit. So the idea of the translators appears to be confirmed by the words ———–, “they indeed pollute the flesh.”
[note: if you want to know more about the sin of “self-pollution,” see Gen. 38. Heb./Gk. scholar Adam Clarke, LL.D., F.S.A. gives good insight (see vol.1 – Gen. to Deut., p.227 (footnotes. He states that the sin of self-pollution, which is generally considered to be that of Onan, is one of the most destructive EVILS ever practiced by fallen man!].
Sex-sins POLLUTE the flesh. The Bible is very explicit on this matter, be they homo or hetero sex-sins. From Genesis to Revelation, they are condemned. Yet, there are a multitude of “Christian” Churches where these sins are not renounced, esp. those of the LGBTQ+ churches. They openly defy God’s Word! When we find the words, “walking after the flesh,” (e.g. 2 Pet. 2:10 et al.) it means addicted to lustful things (not always sex), but in Peter it does refer to those who addict themselves to sodomite practices, & the LUST of POLLUTION (no doubt alluding to those most abominable practices where men abuse themselves, women abuse themselves with one another. (see Rom. 1). These could also be called “filthy dreams”.
Pt. 2
` “Dreaming” may refer to “visions” as well as to “dreams” in the ordinary sense. This is somewhat obscured when the meaning of the term is restricted to lasciviousness, as in the rendering, “These filthy dreamers defile the flesh” (Jude 8).
Tertullian goes on to say, “where do dreams come from? The fact is, the soul cannot rest or be altogether idle, nor does it confine its immorality to the still hours of sleep. Instead, it shows that it possesses a constant motion. It travels over land & sea. It trades. It is excited. It labors. It plays.” (210 A.D., 3:222). I will add, it also plays dirty! We’ve all had dirty dreams – all of us. These certainly do not come from God (unless He wants to show us something). Tertullian agrees: “Indeed, in these dreams, good actions are useless; & crimes are harmless. For we will no more be condemned for imaginary acts of sin, than we will be crowned for imaginary martyrdom…” (3:224). He goes on to say, “in sleep, revelations are made of high honors & eminent talents. Remedies are also discovered talents, thefts brought to light, & treasure indicated…” (3:225).
He says that “dreams are inflicted on us mainly by demons (which I agree with) …,” but he also says that some emanate from God. (I also agree).
We can all recall how God gave king Nebuchadnezzar dreams, Daniel and others as well.
Origen wrote: “It is a matter of belief that in dreams, impressions have been brought before the minds of many. Some relate to divine things; others, to future events of this life…” (248 A.D., 4:416).
It was Peter’s trance/vision (Acts 10:10) that changed the course of Israelite/Gentile history. It was while he was praying, he fell into a trance & saw a vision (real the whole account). That miracle event opened the door for Gentiles to receive eternal life, for “God shows no partiality” (10:34) “… whoever believes in Him will receive remission (i.e. forgiveness) of sins,” vs.43.
Back to Jude
(see Clement of Alexandria’s Miscellanies III.2.11). But here in Jude, dreamings lead men not only to “defile the flesh,” but also to “reject authority, & revile the glorious ones.” It is believed Jude refers here to vision experiences alleged to be the mediums of divine revelation. The Gk. verb translated “dreamings” is used in Acts 2:17 (also see Joel 3:1-5) to describe divine inspiration. (note: some versions have “dreamers”; others have “dreamings”). Jude is charging that the vaunted “spirituality” of the errorists is spurious because it is empty of moral content (see vs.19 = “sensual, having not the Spirit”).
We read in Scripture where false teachers/prophets et al. prophesy delusions/teach falsehoods of their OWN MINDS (see Jer. 23:26 in the American Trans.). Liars & lies come from walking in the flesh: the dreamings of visionaries are a mixture of lies & truth (see Isa. 29:10; 56:10; Jer. 27:9 et al.). much could be written on all this.
Philo thought the “glory of God” consists of the angels (vs.8), i.e. “dignities”/ “glorious ones”. One professor of Heb./Gk. language wrote that when God denied Moses’ original request that he show Himself to him, Philo reports a second supplication which Moses made: “I am persuaded by Thy explanations that I should not have been able to receive the visible appearance of Thy form. But I beseech Thee that I may, at all events, behold the glory that is around Thee. And I look upon Thy glory to be the powers which attend Thee as Thy guards.” (On Monarchy I.5 & 6.).
So, “the glorious ones” (δοξας) of whom Jude speaks are similarly supernatural beings. (see “Angels & Devils” at: (3:12,24), pg.1)
Daniel speaks of “night-visions” (e.g. 2:19; 7:2,7,13, chald., leyleyâ’), meaning, in Chaldaism, (mid-)night season): “Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision…” Dan. 2:19. Most scholars believe the night vision was a dream.
We also find God speaking to Jacob: “Then God spoke to Israel in the visions of the night…” (Gen. 46:2).
Job 33:14,15 reads: “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds.” (read the rest of Job, 16-33).
I have had God/Spirit speak very plainly to me in dreams. Not a lot, but a few. One in particular, God spoke to me to pray for certain children to be released from a certain circumstance. When I awoke, I prayed. 3 days later it was DONE! My wife Deborah even appeared to me during my time in prison: she spoke certain words that came to pass. She, herself, is gifted with dreams & visions, plus the prophetic Word of the Spirit (posted).
Again, Daniel wrote about “My vision by night…” (7:2). Vs. one tells us that “Daniel had a dream & visions.” So, in 4:5 Nebuchadnezzar “… saw a dream;” vs.9 says, “… explain to me the visions of my dream that I have seen…”
In view of 4:9 one scholar translates “had a dream-vision” (see 4:10,13,15), which shows that it is one of the idioms linking the 2 parts of the book). It should be noted that some think & here is explicative, “he saw a dream, that is, visions of his head.” (J.A. Montgomery, A Critical & Exegetical Commentary, 1927).
It was a common practice to “write down” visions/prophesies etc. (see Isa. 30:8; Hab. 2:2; Rev. 1:19; Enoch 33:3,4; II Esdras 14:42 et al.). [for the idiom see Ps. 119:160]
Dan. 7:13 mentions “night visions” in which Daniel saw “one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, & came to the Ancient of days…”
[note: I’ve written on this before; clouds, Ancient of Days etc. In
Ps. 104:3 God uses the clouds as His chariot (see also Isa. 19:1; Ps.
18:10; Mt. 26:64; Rev. 1:7, & in II Esdras 13:3 the one like a
man “flew with the clouds of heaven”; the writer is using a
well-known image for the method of transportation adopted by
celestial beings. (clouds are used both in a fig. & lit. sense).
can have open-eye vision or night-vision, i.e. dream.
want to begin pt.3 with what Clement of Alexandria (150-215 A.D.)
wrote concerning “sleep”: “Those
who have the sleepless Word dwelling in them should not sleep the
livelong night. Rather, they should rise while it is still dark,
especially when the days are coming to an end.”
A.D., 2:259).
in the early days of establishing Ft. Freedom (Sacto., CA., early
1980s), the Spirit spoke to us to sleep only 2 hours a day (meaning
in a 24-hour day). We had been used to rising up before daybreak for
years already. But when the Spirit commissioned us to start a
Missions Training Corps, He was going to put us through rigorous
disciplines. We thought we couldn’t do this, but we kept our
commitment/command & slept only 2 hours in 24 for 6 months.
During this time, we also were told to do lots of fastings – some
with small amounts of food/water, others water only (over 20-30
days!). We
fasted many, many days during those years – 1981 – 1989
especially. In fact, the Capital newspaper got wind of this and began
their vicious attacks (along with several T.V. Stations. Channe.13 &
the Sacramento Bee Pledged themselves to END what God told us to
START! (see our PX2 Files). Our persecution got so heated that it got
dangerous. The (satanic) media made up the (false) story that we made
small children fast many days. This really brought on troubles for
us. Not being able to STOP our “training,”
the media & ex-members made up the BIG LIE of child abuse! Yep!
This charge has followed up thru the years – false of course.
those years we received many, many visions /dreams /prophecies etc.,
especially revelations from on High. We went to many 3rd world
nations, established many ACMTC branches/Army Corps (some still
remain today, some 40 years later. Tertullian (160-230 A.D.) wrote
this concerning “sleep”:
is a temporary suspension of the activity of the senses, procuring
rest for only the body, not for the soul also. For the soul is always
in motion & always active. It never succumbs to rest.”
(210 A.D., 3:222).
also wrote: “In
dreams, I am still occupied with what the soul has seen & handled
in the day.” (238 A.D., 6:38). In another quote he wrote: “They
say that dreams are more sure & clear when they happened towards
the end of the
night, for then the vigor of the soul emerges & heavy sleep
departs.” (210 A.D., 3:226).
From God
wrote: “I
received no report from any man. Rather, the Spirit proclaimed these
words: ‘Do nothing without the bishop. Keep your bodies as the
temples of God. Love unity. Avoid divisions. Be the followers of
Jesus Christ, even as He is of His Father.’”
(105 A.D., 1:83,84).
the Spirit’s advice, Clement of Alexandria wrote: “To those who
ask questions, there is given from the Scriptures the gift of the
God-given knowledge.” (195 A.D., 2:558).
are several ways one can hear from God. Ignatius says, from the
Spirit; Clement says from the Scriptures. As we have seen, dreams
/visions /trances /inspiration /revelation etc. are ways God speaks
to His people. Not only His covenant people, but people of the world.
heard the Lord (His voice) as stated in Acts 9:4,5,6; Ananias heard
His voice as also stated in Acts 9:10,11: “… and to him the Lord
said in a vision…” Vs.11 record Jesus’ words; Vs.12 mentions “a
vision”; Vs.15 we read, “… the Lord said to him, ‘Go …”;
Vss.15 & 16 record what the Lord said (in full) to Ananias. Acts
10:13,15 we find Peter hearing from the Lord, Acts 11:7,9 he hears
the Lord’s voice. Acts 18:9,10 the Lord speaks to Paul. Acts
22:7,8,10,18,21 records the voice of the Lord to Paul Acts 23:11 the
Lord speaks to Paul. Acts 26:14,15,16,17,18 Paul tells of his
experience of hearing from the Lord. 2 Cor. 12:9 records words of the
Lord spoken to Paul. Revelation 1-3 records what the risen/glorified
Lord spoke to John. During his imprisonment of Patmos, John received
visions, heard voices from the Lord/angels. The last Words recorded
were, “Surely I am coming quickly,” Rev. 22:20.
back to the book of Acts we read where the Lord spoke to those chosen
ones (1:4,5,7,8).
stated in 2 Cor. 12:1 that, “I will come to visions &
revelations of the Lord.” [visions = “optasia”/ “οράματα”;
revelations = “apokalupsis”/ “ἀποκάλυψις”]
Revelations (Greek) means, disclosure, appearing, lighten, manifestation. My wife says she has seen the Lord several times in visions. She hears, yes HEARS from the Holy Spirit (see Jesus Calls to All site where daily Words of the Spirit are posted/audio & written). Cyprian is quoted as saying “Be constant in both prayer & reading (Scripture). Now speak with God; then let God speak with you. Let Him instruct you in His teachings, let Him direct you.” (250 A.D, 5:279).
When the media heard about the Spirit’s move among us (during our CA./OR. days), they went WILD! They followed us continually – trying to pin us down on how God speaks, heals, delivers etc. They wanted to know why Deborah was called a prophet. We, if & when we did converse with the media, we pointed out 1 Cor. 12:10 to them, where one Spirit “gift” is prophecy. But in this chapter other gifts are mentioned: wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts (PL.) of healings, miracles, discerning of spirits, tongues & interpretation of tongues. We’ve seen ALL these working in & among us. We still hear from the Lord and are blessed!
I am puzzled by the LACK of “gifts” in Churches today. Some tell us that they have ceased! Really? When? Could it be they do not want the “Sword that Cuts & the Fire that Burns” in their midst? Yep! I believe so. [see aggressivechristianity.Net for articles on Spirit baptism/speaking in tongues, the miracles of Christ, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit et al.].
Cyprian went on to state: “By kindness of the Lord instructing me, I am very often instigated & warned.” (250 A.D., 5:347).
Dionysius of Alexandria followed up with, “After the lapse of your days, God gave me instructions to leave. And He opened the way for Me.” (262 A.D., 6:104).
If one is interested, one can research prophecy/prophets in more detail. If you research what some of the early Church fathers/Christians wrote about, you’ll get a better picture of the whats, whens, wheres, whys. Prophets, as I’ve written many times before, were not mere “future tellers,” but were “swords” in the hand of God – they exposed, corrected, & punished. (I have articles posted). There were male prophets & female prophetesses (see my articles on “Women in the Ministry” for female Christians). While prophecy is a prediction of future things, a declaration beforehand, this is only half of it. I think Jeremiah 1:10 defines the prophet’s ministry:
Yes! There were and are false prophets, seers that spoke from their own minds/hearts. But there are genuine ones among us today. God uses them to speak to His people. Yes! There are filthy dreamers & vile schemes among us – these we reject!