By: Gen Jim – 8/15/24

All were (are) invited? What does the Bible teach? Take this Scripture: “Come unto Me (Jesus), ALL ye that labor & are heavy laden, & I will give you rest.” – Mt. 11:28.
Those who believe that Jesus accepts ALL quote this verse. Here Jesus addresses those who labor to do the works of the law & are heavy laden with burdens which the scribes put on them (see also Mk. 7:2-5,8; Acts 15:10). At this time in history the rules of priestly purity are being extended to laymen, & in some ways the Pharisaic law may have been more burdensome that it was later (see Mt. 15:3-6).
Mt. 11:28 is called “the Great Invitation.” We can extend this Great Invitation even unto our day & age: ALL are welcome. Speaking of the word “inclusive” (a much used “Woke” word of today) means to include or tend to include; esp. taking everything into account; reckoning everything etc.
Another text used by the “woke” (phony) “Christians” is found in one of the most loved Scriptures in the whole New Testament: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotton Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” – Jn. 3:16 (see also Rom. 5:8).
The key words are “whoever believes.” While Jesus died for ALL men, ALL will never enter in because not ALL believe. But “believe” does not stand alone: repentance is required (both John & Jesus taught repentance – Mt. 3:2 & 4:17 tell us this. The apostles also taught repentance – Acts 2:38 & 17:30. The ONLY WAY one is truly accepted into the Kingdom of God is thru REPENTANCE, not merely “believing” that Jesus is the Son of God.
So, what does it mean to be an “inclusive” church or believer? Are we to accept, embrace those who are Biblically wrong? I have in mind those of the LGBTQ+ church; those who are straight but are involved in heterosexual sins or just sins in general.
While Jesus had radical love for the lost & dying, He did not – DID NOT! – accept those who refused to REPENT. Our woke friends love to point out Jesus’ discussion with the woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8:3-11). True, Jesus showed love towards this woman (where was the man?) This could have what sparked His cutting words towards the scribes & Pharisees: “He who is without SIN among you, let him throw a stone at her first,” – vs.7. It is strange that our “woke” folk never quote vs.11: “… go & SIN no more.” I’m sure Jesus would have said the same thing if the woman had been a lesbian.
All this Politically correct (PC)/woke BS – diversity/equality/inclusive is not found in the Bible (exegesis). Liberal /PC /woke hypocrisy is destroying what is left of the church. All this “unity in diversity” BS is of the devil! Show me in Scripture where God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit taught these humanistic/devilish things. All this “Pink” / “Rainbow” BS is not of God! These metropolitan churches are not accepted by God or by any true born-again Christian.
I have challenged the folks that believe in the LGBTQ+ BS to prove to me that God includes them in His sheep fold. True, one can be of the LGBTQ+ but they MUST repent (change heart, mind, action) before they are included in God’s fold of the redeemed.
I’ve done my homework, I’ve read dozens of pro LGBTQ+ books, heard their sermons on “radical love” / “radical inclusive” (lots of “pink twisting!!!”). What most of these folks miss is God’s “if” clause (see all my articles posted).
While there is a truth to be found in DEI, it is not found in the Bible the way the LGBTQ+ folks present it. Better read where Jesus makes a distinction between Heaven & Hell, sheep & goats, wheat & tares, good & bad, acceptable & rejectable.
I believe in being an activist, a radical, a Christian revolutionary, an aggressive Christian. But I do not believe sinning “Christians,” be they homo or hetero, will enter the Kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9,10). After Paul puts forth his “vice” list, he states, “And such were (past tense) some of you,” – vs.11. He mentions 3 things that changed the sinners’ life: 1 – Washed; 2 – sanctified; 3 – justified. You don’t receive these UNLESS one repents & forsakes his or her sins (see all my articles on sex-sins).
“Radical Resistance” against the abominable SINS of the LGBTQ+ is what will get one RIGHT in the sigh of God & the Son. “Holy disruption” against “unholy corruption” is what will separate the sheep from the goats.
“Woke” cultural chaos covers the land. The “Pink Stink” is unbearable! To Hell with gender-neutral terms that make us more “inclusive.” To Hell with “Building a Better Tomorrow” with radical LGBTQ+ BS! To Hell with pronouns & the inability to state what a woman or man is. Really dude, how have we become so STUPID? To Hell with “reimagining” & “transmogrifying trans treats.” To Hell with “Inclusive Churchianity” that teaches rebellion against God, His Son, His true people & the Holy Spirit. To Hell with “Radical Gender Ideology” in our schools where boys are taught that they might be a girl: that a girl might be a boy! To Hell with “Inclusive Nihilism” & “Queer Theology.” To Hell with “Jesus was Gay,” “Jesus at the Bar,” “Jesus in Bed with Women.” Truly repulsive! To Hell with “Trans Inclusive Misogyny.” To Hell with “Trans is Beautiful.” Jesus DOES NOT support your “Inclusive Insanity!” To Hell with “Gay Pride” in the workplace. To Hell with “Jesus loves you no matter how in the Hell you live.” To Hell with “Gender Inclusive” clothing. To Hell with a “merperson, a merman – using gender-inclusive” designers. To Hell with “Radical Grace” to keep up with “Inclusive Disgrace.”
We’re all sick of the Left’s ridiculous attempt to redefine race & gender.
Frankly, I’m sick of these Pink panty-wearing preachers that push this LGBTQ+ BS off onto the public as “TRUTH.” It is “TRASH.” To Hell with “We need more ‘Gender Inclusive Spaces.’” NO! We need more SANITY!!! AMEN!!!
Satan is HAPPY! Yep! He is pissing down his pointed tail over the victories he & his demons have won here in the USA, aka United Snakes of Amerika. He has gotten the “sleeping saints” AWAKENED (woke!!!). They are believing that they can BE whatever they wish to BE, LIVE the way they wish to LIVE without an ounce of accountability. They have embraced man’s “Radical Fallenness” without any restraint: “Just DO IT,” whatever “IT” is. Just embrace your desire!
I literally feel sorry for these LGBTQIA persons – they are trapped into a deceitful & destructive lifestyle, aka “deathstyle.” But there is a WAY OUT.
“For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” – Rom. 10:13.
The full scope & “inclusiveness” of the Bible’s message is deliverance from SIN! We can find salvation in Jesus Christ, the Savior of humankind. The Bible says that “Nor is there SALVATION in any other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12;
“For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain SALVATION through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us…” – 1 Thes. 5:9,10.
Those who wish to be SAVED from their sins can have it; all they need to do is to call upon God – confess you are a sinner, repent of your sins, receive His grace & forgiveness.
The author of Acts states, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12.
You see, the Spirit of health (for the soul/spirit) resides in Jesus. Matthew 1:21 tells us that “Jesus shall save His people from their sins.” We can be “included” in His flock by confessing/repenting. “Jesus,” the same as “Joshua” (Yehoshua, O.T.) who put God’s people in a state of safety (see Ex. 13:9; Num 13:16).
Jesus came to DESTROY the power of sin & the pollution/corruption of it. He did not come to tolerate sin but to destroy it in people’s lives. Jesus is both “Lord” & “Christ” (see Acts 2:36). Acts 2:38 tells the house of Israel, “REPENT, & let every one of you be baptized in the NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission (lit. forgiveness) of sins…” (see Acts 8:35 = name, Jesus; 1 Jn. 4:22).
The O.T. prophet Joel spoke of Jesus: “And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be SAVED.” – Joel 2:32.
No matter the sin or sins we’ve done, God can SAVE US – He will wash away our stain & guilt, pardon us, purify our hearts, deliver us from darkness, bring us into His LOVE-LIGHT-LIFE (read Eph. chapter 2). Joining a church is not the answer, repentance is. Invoking the name of Jesus (translated “yikrabeshem yehovah” Hebrew of Joel 2:32); invoking in the NAME signifies soliciting one in the name or on the account of another we will find eternal salvation.
Two things I remind you of: 1- Don’t let anyone tell you that God/Son/Holy Spirit will not save a sex pervert/addict; 2- Once saved, lay aside your sin or sins. A change of heart = a change of lifestyle. I totally reject the (false) idea that God honors/condones, even blesses sex-sins (be they of the LGBTQIA or heterosexual camp). 1 Cor. 6:9 mentions both homo/hetero sex sins/sinners. Do not believe those persons (of the LGBTQ+ camp) who refuse to use exegesis concerning 1 Cor. 6:9 et al. (see my articles for a deeper study).
The Bible says “… God made man upright, but they (man/woman) have sought out many schemes (inventions)” – Eccl. 7:29. One scheme/invention is that God created sexual perversions/perverts. The same writer wrote: “Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why should thou die before thy time?” – Eccl. 7:17. We all know homo men die a lot younger than heterosexual men. The same applies to other men/women in that lifestyle/deathstyle.
In short, why do you want to destroy yourself? Having no self-restraint in your sex life is to count on early death. Extreme sexing (i.e. unlawful) & extreme conduct leads to an early grave (not always but generally). The LGBTQIA idealist will never be “gay” – they are plagued by sexual diseases & a troubled conscience.
Have you ever considered that you (of that lifestyle/deathstyle) are murdering yourself when you commit all your vile sex acts? The old poem “… mixt with murderers, and other crew, who justice did justify to death pursue” needs to be pondered.
God did not create sex perverts, be they homo or hetero. NO! He made man/woman upright, but man/woman has defeated themselves by their own evil devices/vices.
The question must be faced: “Why do you want to die?” You can be saved by calling upon the name of Jesus; confess your sins to God; repent of your sins; invite Him into your heart (see Eph. 3:14-20). – Best wishes –